
ASCP Forum – Concrete Pavements: Design, Construct, Maintain, Recycle & Whole of Life Costing – 20 Oct 2022

Ascp-forum-presentation, Aspcp-forum-on-demand, Dvd-or-video

Concrete Pavements: Design; Construct; Maintain; Recycle, & Whole of Life Costing – we hope that our attendees enjoyed this opportunity to engage and understand various SRA’s evolving policy around Sustainable Procurement in Infrastructure for Transport. Good design, construction techniques and material selection are not the only considerations for good concrete...

ASCP Forum (Online) – Tunnels Pavements, Concrete Supply, Procurement – Tuesday 12 April 2022

Ascp-forum-presentation, Aspcp-forum-on-demand, Materials, Sustainability

Tunnels allow rapid and unobstructed transport facilities in big congested cities. Think the recent NorthConnex! Whilst considered an expensive solution, tunnels provide a protected system for the pavement, thus tunnels reduce the maintenance cost of the system, but there are wider considerations in the design, detailing, materials selection and construction...

Grand Avenue Camellia – Parramatta Citys Latest Concrete Road (March 1977)


We favour the finish-and-forget concrete pavement where it can be economically justified , said Parramatta Council‘s Chief Engineer, Mr. Fred Smale. Parramatta Council has now been using concrete pavements long enough to know that, in the long term, they save money. Not onIy does Council save on maintenance, but road...

Australian Pavement Research The Last 20 Years (Mar 1996)


The road transport system is a valuable and essential part of Australia’s infrastructure in which we all have an enormous stake. However, infrastructure is a long- term investment in the future and consequently receives little attention from the public unless something goes wrong or individually, we are affected by delays...

Concrete Accessways In Nsw Housing Commision Residential Developments (June 1977)


The Housing Commission of New South Wales has developed engineering designs and standards for urban subdivision over a period of more than 30 years. The Commission has developed practical and economical road designs as a result of this experience. The larger-scale subdivisions include several types of roads, ranging from quite...

Sydneys Western Freeway (Mar 1983)


On 16th December 1982 the Hon. Neville Wran, Premier of New South Wales, opened two new sections of the F4 Western Freeway near Sydney. The comibined length of almost 9 km is made up of 5.8 km between Strathfield and Silverwater, and 3 km between Parramatta and Mays Hill Figure...

Concrete Road Paving Record In Queensland (Jul 1983)


During recent construction on a deviation of the Pacific Highway in South East Oueensland an Australian concrete road paving record of 1 km per day was established. The contractor, Seovic Holdings, using a Miller M9000 slipform paver and supported by the resources of Farley and Lewers (Old) Limited achieved a...

Tumblong Deviation Hume Highway Nsw (Dec 1983)


Tumblong Devia1ion, located approximately midway between Sydney and Melbourne, will provide 17 km of high—standard, dual carriageway highway linking the township of Tumblong and the intersection of the Hume Highway and 1he Snowy Mountains Highway. A significant illus1rat ion of activities within the Aus1ralian Bicentennial Road Development Programme funded by...

King William Road Adelaide Australias Longest Interlocking Concrete Road Pavement (Dec 1986)


King William Road is 2.2 km long, commences about 2 km to the south of Adelaide's central business district and passes through the suburbs of Unley, Wayville, Goodwood, Hyde Park and Unley Park. The northern third passes through a mixed commercial / residential area, the central third through a shopping...

Naasra Guide To The Structural Design Of Road Pavements (May 1988)


The National Association of Australian State Road Authorities (NAASRA) has recently published the Guide to the Structural Design of Road Pavements which supersedes the Interim Guide to Pavement Thickness Design published in 1979. The new guide incorporates a mechanistic design procedure for flexible pavements that represents a quantum leap forward...

Brisbane City Council Process Approach To Insitu Cement Stabilisation As A Rehabilitation Method For Failed Pavements (Aug 1990)


The Brisbane City Council is responsible for maintaining approximately 5000 km of road. A Pavement Management System was developed in 1977 to formulate policy on the effective funding for the maintenance and rehabilitation of road pavements. Through this system all streets are visually assessed and classified with regard to surface...

Performance Of Concrete Pavements On Major Nsw Roads (Nov 1990)


In recent years there has been a significant increase in the construction of concrete (rigid) pavements in NSW on both major highways and urban, municipal networks. Concrete roads have been constructed in configurations varying from two—lane carriageways to six-lane, dual-carriageway formations. Three major, heavily trafficked roads on which concrete pavements...