Founded in October 2007, the Australian Society for Concrete Pavements (ASCP) is an Australian not-for-profit organisation which aims to facilitate improvements in the design, construction and quality of concrete pavements in Australia through education, technology transfer and research.

Our Corporate Membership brochure provides and overview of the goals of the organisation.
Recognition and Awards
Honorary Membership
ASCP recognises people who have given outstanding contributions to the concrete paving industry in Australia. This prestigious award consists of an attractive trophy and certificate, and includes Life Membership of ASCP. Nominations for this award can be made by ASCP members. Nominations close on 30 November.
Nominations are submitted here
ASCP offers an annual Scholarship Award to assist the concrete pavements industry gain access to current international developments, and to provide opportunities for personal development of younger achievers in the industry. The Scholarship consists of a dollar amount to reimburse conference fees, travel and accommodation costs, and other related expenses, and has a number of requirements of the awardee. Applications must be made on the prescribed form by 30 November.
Corporate Membership Brochure
Pavement Applications
We concentrate on knowlege around various concrete pavement applications as follows:
Road pavements for Heavy Duty traffic corridors and arterials.
Runways, taxiways and hardstands
Industrial Pavements
Concrete warehouse slabs, internal roads and hardstands
Local Goverment
Local roads, shared paths and residential streets
Intermodals and Ports
Ultra heavy duty pavements for reach stackers and cradle carriers
Track slabs
Track bearing, traffic cross overs, and urban metro integration

Background & Development
This document provides the history of the developement of ASCP.
State Committees
ASCP operates Committees in New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria and are established where there is an expressed interest from the industry to conduct forums and such events and to exchange knowledge, technical information and relevant experiences.
Working Groups & Committees
ASCP is managed through a number of committees:
National Executive Committee | manages the overall business of the Society, including financial and governance responsibilities |
State Committees | identify specific state information needs, organises forums and projects |
Scholarship Working Group | reviews Scholarship applications against ASCP criteria and advises the National Executive regarding granting a Scholarship Award |
Project Working Groups | ASCP establishes project working groups to investigate and report on specific technical matters of importance. These working groups are usually dissolved on completion of the project. Examples of current working groups include Conference Organisation, Forums, Website Content & CRCP |
Working Groups
ASCP supports the requirements for education of concrete pavement practitioners from professionals to the workforce. For details on all courses refer to the Events page.
Educational courses and resources developed by or supported by ASCP include :
Concrete Pavements course | A two day short course provided by CPEE (Centre for Pavement Engineering Education) conducted in most states of Australia. CPEE also offer Graduate and Post-graduate courses in Pavement Engineering. |
CPD Online | ASCP supports CPD Online which is a web based learning facility meeting Continuing Professional Development needs for engineers. With the support of ASCP, this facility offers a range of concrete pavement modules. |
Certificate III Civil Construction | In collaboration with SkillsDMC, ASCP provides training and assessment skills sets for relevant concrete pavement skills meeting the National Training Qualification requirements. |
TfNSW Grey Card Course | ASCP, under an agreement with TfNSW, exclusively delivers the Grey Card Course (GCC) for concrete road pavement operatives and others. |

Governance and Management
ASCP is governed by the National Executive Committee made up of eight members elected by the membership at Annual General Meetings, State Presidents, and the Executive Director.
Any ASCP member may stand for election to the National Executive.
The National Executive Committee elects a President and a Vice-President. The Executive Director is the Company Secretary.
The National Executive is supported by Committees which are responsible for organising Forums, Technical Documents and Research Projects.
For information about the current National Executive Committee and Branch Committees refer to Committees.
Membership is open to all people with an interest in concrete pavements in Australia.
Membership provides substantial discounts on ASCP event fees and courses supported by ASCP, and provides access to certain Member Only resources on this website.
Sponsors may nominate a certain number of their staff as ASCP Members. Such members have full member entitlements.
For all Membership details, refer to the Membership Page.
Members Directory
Mission and Objectives
Organisations may become Corporate Members of ASCP. There are three levels of sponsorship, namely Principal (previously Gold), Industry (previously Silver) & Supporters (previously Bronze), each with a different annual membership fee.
Corporate Members are those which seek to support the objectives of ASCP both financially and through support. Corporate Members are entitled to nominate a specified number of their staff as ASCP Members, receive discounts on other staff membership fees, and obtain discounts on all event fees for their staff. Corporate Members are recognised on the ASCP website and at all ASCP events.
Corporate Members
Become a member
By creating an Account on our service, you will receive the following:
- Newsletters
- Forum Invitations
- Workshop announcements
- Training events details
- Conference news