
Wear Resistant and Noise Reducing Concrete for Road Pavements


Rutting, depending on the wear of studded tyres, is a problem in the Skandinavian couritiis. Concrete pavements have a good wear resistance. In Ai.ustria they have recently developed a low noise concrete with small aggregate size and exposed aggregate. Earlier experiences have shown that the wear resistance of concrete is...

Noise Reduction on Concrete Paving Blocks


Today the people in the cities require, more than in former times, a nice looking but also noice reduced pavement. The aim of our one year trial in 1 9w92h,i ch was promoted by the Austrian innovation fund, was to fulfill the requirements mentioned above. 1200 m of new concrete...

Conclusions from the Longtime Behaviour of Cement Bound Road Bases


Cement-bound road bases of 16 heavily loaded Autobahns in West Germany (12 road bases under concrete pavements and 4 under asphalt pavements) were investigated regarding bond, damage due to frost and erosion, compressive strength, water permeability, frost and erosion resistance. The investigations showed that cement-bound road bases are proved in...

Longtime Behaviour of Concrete Roads and Efficiency


A project for a building sliuuld include a forecast obout the longtime behaviour. With the cost benefit analysis the technical longtime behaviour can be expressed in figures. In the case of the road pavements these costs are costs for the government and for the road users. The estirlIdLiull can be...

Development of a Test to Compare Anti-Reflective Cracking Treatments


In Spain, like in other European countries, during the last twenty years roads constructed with cement bound base layers have had many maintenance problems due to reflective cracking. It is impossible to know the effectiveness of the new treatments which are applied as anti-reflective cracking measures. Therefore a laboratory test...

Wheel Tracks the Compromise between Agricultural and Environmental Interests


Changes in society are giving rise to growing objections to surfacing any more sand roads. These objections are provoked by the interest in the environment, countryside and cultural history. On the other hand, agricultural developmont calls for continued mechanization in order to reduce production costs. This means, among other things,...

Status of a Five Year Old 170 mm Thick Jointed High Strength Concrete Pavement in Norway


The current pavement is a 8.6 km long part of the main highway North of Oslo. The concrete has a characteristic cube strength of 90MPa and the slab thickness is 170 mm. The subbase mainly consists of local natural sand and gravel. The general condition of the pavement is rather...

Experiences with Noise Reducing Surfaces for Existing Concrete Pavements


In Carinthia a surface dressing with epoxy resin as binder and chippings 3/4 mm has been used since 1989. The task was to get better noise reducing conditions of existing concrete pavements. The result can be seen in noise reducing properties of - 6 db(A) compared with the existing old...

Materials Mix Design and Quality Control


A system for assessing the materials used for the construction of a concrete road is presented. The materials constituting the three layers of the pavement -ely stabilised granular mix, cement-bound mix, concrete and porous concrete for the road shoulders- were accurately selected and subjected to thorough controls during construction. The...

Evaluation of Concrete Pavements on the Restauration with Thin Aspahit Layers


To improve the surface quality or the water drainage and the service life of a mediocre damaged concrete pavement, this pavement can be overlaid with a 4 to 6 cm thick asphalt layer. The status of the concrete pavement and of the joints with respect to potential reflection cracks needs...

Retreating Pavements on Site with Cement – The Test Site at Messancy (Belgium)


Waste disposal is a serious problem for local authorities and the search for alternative solutions which allow for reusing is necessary. rin public works on roads or sewer systems,new techniques, new types of materials and new approaches are coming to the front, including the consideration of "environmental costs" besides technical...

Study of the Impact of Vehicles against Concrete Barriers Delimiting the Area of Approach to Narrower Carriageways in Function of the Barriers Feature


This paper examines the influence of the different factors that affect the problem of the collisions against the concrete safety barriers used to delimit the area of approach to narrower carriageways. In particular we have studied the influence on the damage of the vehicle and the shear strength necessary in...