Hot desert environments with low humidity and strong winds provide some of the most difficult conditions in which to build good concrete roads. This paper briefly describes the materials, plant and some of the methods that were used to successfully construct the Azraq to Jafr highway in Jordan where these...
Some Aspects of the Construction of the Azraq to Jafr Highway Project in Jordan
Thin Concrete Overlays on Old Flexible Pavements
Extensive rutting exists on many high volume traffic roads in Sweden. Traditional maintenance means asphalt resurfacing every second or third year. Adding a thin high strength concrete overlay would prolong the service life of the repair due to the high wear resistance of this kind of overlay. To study the...
The Utilization of Tarbearing Scarified Road Materials with Special Hydraulic Binders
The utilization of tarbearing scarified road materials, which are charged with phenols and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) to a considerable extent, is becoming a problem of increasing urgency in Germany. This paper deals with the consolidation of tarbearing scarified road materials with a special hydraulic binder, which due to its...
Evaluation of the Reliability of Concrete Pavements Considering the Fatigue Properties
In the mechanistic design method of concrete pavements, the flexural fatigue properties have a great influence when analysing the design life. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of stress ratio (YmIn/cmax), maximum size of coarse aggregate and static flexural strength of the pavement concrete on...
Concrete Slab Tracks for Railways
Due to the planning and construction of new high speed railways, the development and testing of the ballastless tracks, which started in Germany in the seventies, is now turning up again. The use of this almost mairitenailce free structure requires the assessment of the multi-layer system. For the slab track...
Skid Resistance of Exposed Aggrcgate Concrete
From 1990 to 1992 exposed aggregate concrete was used for the construction of 14 sections of Austrian motorways. This technology offers a noise reduction and a higher level of skid resistance. In order to evaluate the skid resistance of these surfaces in comparison to others, measurements were carried out in...
Scope of the Activities ot the Joint Research ProgidrIlille on Concrete Roads in the Netherlands
In comparison with Germany and Belgium, the Netherlands only have a small amount of cement concrete roads. Asphalt is a Dutch tradition. However, the idea of building concrete roads is slowly coming back into favour. A broadly based Steering Group is investigating how and where cement concrete can be used...
Evaluation of Performance and Structural Design Methods of Cement Concrete Pavements in Japan
This paper examines cement concrete pavements built on japanese national highways since 1971. An investigation of pavement cracks supports the validity of the current structural design methods. The results of the analysis of the relationship between slab thickness, cracking and cumulative heavy traffic volume show that commonly used jointed reinforced...
Testing of Rut Filling on Concrete Pavements
In 1991 a concrete rut filling on an old concrete pavement at the highway E-1 8 in the southern part of Norway was performed. The rut depth, caused by studded tyres, had reached 23 mm, and the pavement required rehabilitation of the ruts. The intention with the filling was to...
Performance of Concrete Pavement Drainage Systems in Spain
At present Spain has 1600 km of concrete pavements (two lane carriageways). The particular conditions of the climate and the heavy traffic make it necessary to use different measures to avoid joint faulting and voids under the slabs such as dowelled joints, non-erodible base courses, sometimes complemented by joint sealing...
Experiences with the Treatment of some Defects of a Concrete Pavement during Construction
The aim of this paper is to discuss some defects of the concrete pavement during the construction of the second northern expressway project in Taiwan. The possible reasons of and techniques for repairing these defects are studied in the paper. The defects discussed include the cracks in the lean concrete...
Concrete Overlay Thickness Design Based on FWD Deflections for Airports
Since the overlay thickness must be decided considerinq the structural condition of the existing pavement, FWD was introduced to evaluate the mechanical properties and to obtain input data for the overlay design. In the case of concrete overlays for concrete pavements, the overlay thickness depends on the existing slab thickness...