
Pavement Design and Behaviour Heavily Trafficked Concrete Carriageways in the Seventies


In order to update pavement structure designing methods, the French Technical Network, SETRA (Roads and Highways Engineering Department) and LCPC (Central Public Works Laboratory) have used the LCPC road structure circular test track to study fatigue phenomena relating to several concrete pavement structures and to compare them with the "Californian...

Swedish Experience with and Recommendations for Thin Concrete Overlays on Old Concrete Roads


This paper describes the Swedish experience with thin concrete overlays on old rutted concrete roads. In Sweden, the use of studded tyres leads to wedi and rutting on highways with intensive traffic. In the late seventies, some concrete roads were built in the South of Sweden. A thin concrete overlay...

In Situ Capping Layers Treatment with the Faquir Equipment


The treatment of subgrades with hydraulic binders is designed to increase the bearing capacity of the roadbed significantly. It thus offers a better support to the worksite traffic and the subgrade can be taken into account in the overall structural design of the pavement. The economic stakes are thus evident....

Technological Aspects of Ensuring the Frost and Salt Resistance of Concrete Pavements


The resistance of concrete pavements against frost and salt is ensured by creating the necessary volume of finely-dispersed air voids in the concrete by entraining air during the mixing process with appropriate admixtures. The influence of various structural and technological factors on the stability of entrained air and the formation...

Concrete Airport Areas Results of Recent Achievements


Owing to its anti-kerosene properties, its resistance to heat and punching, concrete is always used in the tarmac of the runway threshold of military airports and in the aprons of large-sized aircrafts in civil airports. Due to the strong competition with flexible structures, concrete is at disadvantage as far as...

Measurement and lrnpruveiiieiit of Road Evenness on Concrete Roads


The evenness of concrete roads is one of the main concerns of this type of pavements in Spain. In the last years many improvements have been achieved in the way of finishing concrete roads. International Roughness Index (IRI) measurements are normally done to evaluate evenness. However, the normal approach used...

Some Aspects of the Construction of the Azraq to Jafr Highway Project in Jordan


Hot desert environments with low humidity and strong winds provide some of the most difficult conditions in which to build good concrete roads. This paper briefly describes the materials, plant and some of the methods that were used to successfully construct the Azraq to Jafr highway in Jordan where these...

Thin Concrete Overlays on Old Flexible Pavements


Extensive rutting exists on many high volume traffic roads in Sweden. Traditional maintenance means asphalt resurfacing every second or third year. Adding a thin high strength concrete overlay would prolong the service life of the repair due to the high wear resistance of this kind of overlay. To study the...

The Utilization of Tarbearing Scarified Road Materials with Special Hydraulic Binders


The utilization of tarbearing scarified road materials, which are charged with phenols and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) to a considerable extent, is becoming a problem of increasing urgency in Germany. This paper deals with the consolidation of tarbearing scarified road materials with a special hydraulic binder, which due to its...

Evaluation of the Reliability of Concrete Pavements Considering the Fatigue Properties


In the mechanistic design method of concrete pavements, the flexural fatigue properties have a great influence when analysing the design life. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of stress ratio (YmIn/cmax), maximum size of coarse aggregate and static flexural strength of the pavement concrete on...

Concrete Slab Tracks for Railways


Due to the planning and construction of new high speed railways, the development and testing of the ballastless tracks, which started in Germany in the seventies, is now turning up again. The use of this almost mairitenailce free structure requires the assessment of the multi-layer system. For the slab track...

Skid Resistance of Exposed Aggrcgate Concrete


From 1990 to 1992 exposed aggregate concrete was used for the construction of 14 sections of Austrian motorways. This technology offers a noise reduction and a higher level of skid resistance. In order to evaluate the skid resistance of these surfaces in comparison to others, measurements were carried out in...