The section Brussels-Louvain of the motorway E40 was constructed in 1971 with a pavement in continuous reinforced coticiete fui the tlnee tiaffic lanes and an asphalt pavellielli for the elulergency lane. tue to the increase of heavy traffic, the Flemish Government decided the construction in 1994 of a fourth traffic...
Enlargement of the Belgian Motorway E40 Brussels-Liege in Kortenberg
Effects of Loss of Support on the Residual Life of JPCCP
One of the most frequent ajid insidious distresses in Jointed Portland Cement Concrete Pavements (JPCCP) is the loss of pavement support near the joint. This problem is principally caused by a lack of maintenance ofjoint sealing that can give rise to the well-known phenomenon called pumping in the presence of...
Performance of Precast Prestressed Concrete Pavements Prestressed at Joints
The precast prestressed cornrele pavement (PPCP), which allows rapid execution of repair works such as these on intersections, is inasinglyuse1 these days. It contains many joints that conventionally take the form of dowel bars, which, however, are reported to be vuhierable to damage by rainwater seepage and other factors. To...
Multifunction Concrete Roadways Potericitls in Urban Areas
Combating noise, disturbances and safety hazards on transport infrastructures is one of the leading preoccupations indicated by 85 % of city dwellers in industrialised countries. The road concrete industry has fully realised this real challenge for durable building and maintenance of concrete roads capable of controlling disturbances caused by urban...
Cement Concrete Public Highways Recent Developments in Technical Literature and Applications
In a still recent past, research and innovation in the field of concrete pavements progressed mainly within the field of high volume pavements for roads and airports. This sustained and productive effort remains, giving rise to an expertise well documented in technical publications. Several countries converge in adopting constructive measures,...
Stresses Analysis of Cemented Bases on Concrete Pavement
Traditional methods for road concrete pavements design do not take into account the structural contribuition of cemented bases and its fatigue consumption uiidei the traffic loads. Sections designed without major care about the structural reponses of those bases can develop early cracks, decreasing the structural capacity of the pavement. This...
Combined Mechanical and Thermal Loading on Plain and Steel Fibrez Reinforced Concrete Pavements
Plaiti aiid steel fibre reinforced concrete beams are subjected to solely thermal; solely mechanical and combined thermal and mechanical loads while the rotation of the beam-ends are prevented. The variables in the tests are type of load and combination of loads. In order to estimate the degree of restraint, some...
Air-Entraining Agents in Road Concrete Code of Good Practice and Field Experiments
Air-entraining agents are increasingly recommended as a mean to counteract the ever more severe deterioration of road cement concretes in winter. However, their use is still raising problems as far as the specifications and the practical implementation of the technology are concerned. The results of research conducted by BRRC and...
Effectiveness of Load Transfer in Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement
The load tiansfer due to the dowel bars in jointed reinforced concrete pavements (JRCP) or to the steel reinforcing in continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) has also the effect of reducing the stress on the edge of the load slab. Therefore, the calculation of the load transfer between contiguous slabs...
Belgian Applications of Concrete Inlays on Motorways
Today all highways and road managers are confronted with the problem of the rutting of dense asphaltic concrete roads due to the steady traffic increase of heavy vehicles. Consequently, the lifetime of the low speed right lane decreases much faster than the lifetime of the left lane, which is merely...
Mechanical Properties and Structure of Porous Concrete
A test road with 40 n-mi porous concrete top layer on a 180 mm thick continuously reinforced concrete pavement has been constructed in May 1996 in Belgium following the wet-in-wet method. A preliminary test program was conducted at the Catholic University of Leuven to reveal the influence of different polymer...
Stiff Concrete Paving on Minor Road Systems – Results of a National Inquiry About Mountain Roads
Our investigation was aimed at obtaining information on the road pavements of several mountain road systems subjected to limited traffic and leading to sheep-farming settlements or woodland areas managed by local mountain consortia (Mountain Communities, CM). Steeper car-track sections were found to be paved in concrete to prevent vehicles from...