
Application of Newly Developed Prestressed Concrete Pavement Technology in Japanese Airports


Many researches on prestressed concrete (PC) pavements have been conducted. The applicability of a class Ill PC slab, in which cracking at the bottom of the slab is permitted, was confirmed for airport pavements. A new type of PC precast slab pavement with new jointing systems was developed. A new...

The Austrian Specifications for Concrete Pavements


The latest version of the Austrian specifications for concrete pavements include paving between fixed forms and slipforrn paving, super plasticized concrete, recycled concrete and noise reducing concrete surfaces. This paper describes exposed aggregate surfaces, the requirements for concrete pavements and the materials used to make them.

The Phenomenon of the Serviceability of Concrete Motorways after 55 to 60 Years under Traffic


At present there are still many hundreds of kilometres of concrete motorways in the former East Germany which were constructed in the thirties. The phenomenon is not the fact that now, especially after the last winter, a lot of them have reached a critical condition, but that until today all...

Application of One Day Concrete for Pavements


In order to shorten the construction periods of concrete structures, PWRI and four cement manufacturers carried out a joint research to develop 5 new types of one-day concrete with the following requirements: The compressive strength of the concrete shall be 30 N/mm 2 or more one day after mixing as...

New Drainage Systems for Cement Concrete Road Structures


During a research programme on geocomposite draining materials, the Belgian Road Research Centre constructed and monitored comparative drainage test sections for a concrete block-paved road. The geocomposite drain was easier and quicker to install than the conventional granular drain. Three years of continuous monitoring of weather data, drainage outflows and...

Mix Design for Concrete Pavements Durability Options Based on the New European and Italian Standards


The provisions of the European Prestandard ENV 206 "Concrete - Performance, Production, Placing and Compliance Criteria" place the accent on the qualitative requirements (physical, chemical and mechanical ones) of a durable road concrete. The theoretical life of a rigid road pavement obviously r1.pends on the design and the quality control...

Slab Thickness Design of Heavy Industrial Concrete Pavements


The design of concrete pavements for industrial facilities (truck or container terminals, industrial storage, harbours) has been based either on design catalogues or charts This paper introduces a numerical solution, based on the theory of elasticity expressed in form of series. The reason is that such pavements carry very heavy...

Design and Construction of a Concrete Pavement on Compressible Muds


This paper deals with the design, construction and performance of a freeway section over a thick layer of compressible mud. Halfway on the Madrid to Zaragoza freeway, in the valley of the Jalón River, several very soft clayey deposits were found, originated by endorreic drainage basins. The ground treatment systems...

Concrete Pavements in Seasonal Frost Conditions – Finnish Experience of the Durability and Economy of a Concrete Pavement Built in 1990 in Northern Finland


Oulu is a city of about 145,000 inhabitants including its suburban area located in northern Finland where the winter can be very cold. The freezing index is about 40,000 °C h (once in 10 years) and the frost penetration depth can be about 2 m or rluuue. lii 1990, 4...

Use of Fast Track Concrete Construction in the USA


Fast track concrete pavement technology provides alternatives that can meet the public's demand for quick access to quality pavements. Fast track concrete pavement construction entails any method of accelerating construction. Some changes in tradicional use and consideration of certain aspects ot concrete pavement construction accompany fast track. However, fast track...

Concrete a Material for Urban Development


These last years, the development of the road network in urban areas of France has taken a new direction. The aim is to improve the users safety as well as the traffic conditions. This new trend requires a geometrical development of urban areas, with regard to safety, aesthetics, intcgrotion into...

Factors Affecting the Abrasion Wear of Concrete Pavements


This paper describes the application of a relatively simple and inexpensive laboratory test deiived Iiuiii ASTM procedure C779 for evaluating abrasion resistance of concrete surfaces. Factors affecting the reproducibility and precision of the test are quantified. The paper describes the use of the test to evaluate trial mixes of paving...