
Roughness Condition and Rule Quality of Bicycle Lanes


The Netherlands are a flat country, where the bicycle is a good alternative for short and midrange transportation. The government tries to encourage the use of a bicycle by improving the bicycle infrastructure, thus trying to reduce movements by car. Bicycle pavements are managed at a local or county level....

Urban Rigid Pavements in Italy


Since the end of the Second World War many of the urban road pavements that had been executed in concrete have been gradually repaved with bitumen. As a result of the problems induced by increasing traffic rates, rigid pavements are now gaining new impetus also within urban road networks. PIARC's...

Fatigue Properties of Plain Concrete


Based on a literature search, several types of fatigue relationships were collected, compared and analysed for plain concrete (specimens, pavements) subjected to repeated loading. A uniform fatigue relation - based on the FS- R concept - has been proposed for the flexural tensile strength. The 50%-probability curves have been analytically...

Spanish Experience in Concrete Pavements on Bridges


There are more than one hundred and sixty bridges with concrete pavement in Spain. All of them are in motorways with heavy traffic but in very different thermal regions. Three types of bridge concrete pavements are used: monolithic, bonded and unbonded. This paper presents the Spanish experience in concrete pavements...

Mechanistic Evaluation of Spalling Distress


In this paper, delamination formation is investigated. Stresses due to temperature and moisture variation are considered within the scope of the formation of the delamination. Tensile and shear stresses are determined numerically based on finite element analysis using simulated pavement moisture data. A finite element program is developed to allow...

A Comparison of Life Cycle Costs of Asphalt and Concrete Pavements by Computer Modelling


In the beginning of the 1990s the coiiciete industry tried to introduce newly developed concrete pavements on the Danish market, which is dominated by asphalt pavements. A number of rough estimates were carried out by all the involved parts, showing completely different results. In this paper a non-biased intensive study...

Concrete Safety Barriers and Coming European Standards


For the year-long approved concrete safety barriers, produced of in-situ concrete or prefabricated units, the new EN 1317 part 1 will discribe the general criterions of the test methods in the future, and part 2 the performance classes and acceptance criteriOns. The opening of the European Market has consequences for...

Swedish Concrete Block Pavements Investigation of State and Performance


Concrete block pavements have a good load carrying capacity and load distribution ability. The concrete block pavement is durable, insensitive to settlements, easy to repair, bright, and aesthetically attractive. It has therefore frequently been used in urban environments. In Sweden, however, concrete block pavements have been less frequent than in...

The Proposed European Standard for Concrete Pavements


This paper describes the present situation of the European Standards for Concrete Pavements. They are currently in prcparation by a Working Group created within the framework of Technical Committee CEN TC 227 "Road materials". Since many of the specifications for concrete and its constituents (cement, water, aggregates, admixtures) are covered...

The Use of Slipform Technique for Traffic Infrastructure Constructions


Slipform technique can be used for construction of concrete pavements for roads, but also for construction of aircraft movement areas, industrial surfaces, secondary traffic areas, and rigid railtrack systems made of conciele. Slipform technique can be used for construction of concrete safety barriers, cable troughs, curbs or gutters, too. If...

Life Cycle Cost of Urban Pavements


This paper attempts an actual analysis of the cycle cost of urban pavements through the discussion of a case study: the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Three frequent paving solutions for the local street system are compared: plain concrete and two different asphalt alternatives. Construction, maintenance, reconstruction as well as...

Experiences on the Non Destructive Testing Directed at the Weak Point in the Semi-Rigid Pavement on the A-92 Dual Carriageway


The nondestructive testing for bearing capacity of semi-rigid pavements must be similar to the rigid pavements one. So the nondestructive testing of the transversal cracks, the weak point, is the best way to do it.