The air operation in Ushuaia is of such difficulty that landing in the runway of the old Sea and air Base at Ushuaia was considered quite a challenge by the pilots that operated there. Several accidents occurred, amongst them one that destroyed a Boeing B-737 and another in which a...
Determination of the Friction Coefficient and Thickness of the Macrotexture in the Runway of Ushaia’s International Airport
The Development of Concrete Block Paving for Roads and Other Areas, and Methods of Design and Construction
This paper shown a variety of methods available for the design of concrete pavements. Each method of design has benefits and disadvantages but none of the design methods actually model paver pavement accurately when subjected to rolling loads. It is important to consider the bedding sand specification and how it...
Concrete Pavement on a Crushed Aggregate Unbound Roadbase a New Design for Heavy Traffic Motorways
The construction method involving the placement of a 30 cm-thick concrete roadway pavement on a 30 cm-thick crushed aggregate unbound roadbase instead of a 2.6 cm-thick concrete pavement on a bound roadbase has proved its worth in Germany for more than 10 years, generally for heavy-traffic motorways. It has several...
Numerical Investigation on Deformations and Stresses in Concrete Highway Pavements
In this paper, results of numerical simulations of the deformation behaviour of concrete highway pavements under hygral and thermal gradients are presented. It is shown that.high temperature gradients, which could be caused by a temperature shock may lead to thermal cracking at the surface of the concrete. Further shrinkage cracking...
Bending Fatigue Properties of Concrete Pavements with Recycled Aggregates
This report presents the experimental studies on the bending fatigue properties of normally cast concrete and roller compacted concrete mixed with recycled aggregates produced from concrete waste and on the applicability of this concrete to pavement. The present studies provides the following principal conclusions. (1)Recycled aggregate can be used as...
Test Method for the Determination of Wear Resistance of Concrete Pavements – a Ring Analysis of Northic Road Simulators
In the European Committee of Standardization (CEN) road simulators have been proposed as test equipment for determining the wear resistance of concrete road surfaces to studded winter tyres. The purpose of this ring analysis was to find what relationship there is between three Nordic road simulators and to produce proposals...
Jointed Concrete Pavement Structural Evaluation Overlays Design
In connection with a rehabilitation project, the long-term performances of 15km existing old jointed pavement were comprehensively surveyed. The collected data included visual conditions, roughness measurements, core tests, and FWD defleLtions. By analyzing the FWD measurements, the in situ struchiral moduli were backcalculated, and then, the fatigue damage of existing...
Properties of Porous Concrete with High Strength
In recent years in Japan, permeable asphalt pavement, with its efficient drainage and reduced tire/road noise, has seen increasing use because permits safer driving and does not create environmental problems. For this study, inorganic materials were used to make porous concrete suitable for roadway use, without the addition of polymers....
Concrete Pavements Under Container Stackings
Contact pressures produced by container stackings in concrete pavements are very high. Theoretically, slab stresses widely overcome the flexural strength of concrete. However, in real pavements functional conditions are not affected as it is observed. Therefore, what is really happening should be analyzed. A full-scale test was made in summer...
The Shrinkage Model in the Non-Linear Fem Program Parma for the Design of Reinforced Concrete Pavements
The design of reinforced concrete pavements presents complex problems of modelling, owing to the marked nonlinearity of structural response of the reinforced concrete, of the foundation and the unilateral behaviour of the interaction between pavement and foundation. The external actions to which a road pavement is subjected are the result...
Technical Conditions for Completely Using the Advantages of Concrete Pavements
It is immanent for concrete pavements not to get plastic deformations and therefore concrete pavements are especially suitable for heavy traffic roads. However, pavement performance depends from avoiding of some structural faults.
Study of Rigid Pavement with Puzzolanic Over Sulfated Binders
The paper presents the employed materials, including binder (Romanian patent) for the technology of mixing and laying of reinforcement concrete for an existing flexible pavement. After thirteen years of significant traffic (over 1.2 millions 100 kN axles) the pavement behavior is correct, proved by the state of slab margins and...