
The French Architectonic Concrete Paving Development


This paper present the good possibilities that we can expect with exposed aggregate concrete surfaces

Consideration of Some Factors Affecting the Competitiveness and Potential for Future Use of Concrete Roads in the UK


Although concrete roads have traditionally been used in the construction of a small part of the UK network, there is continuing interest in the potential for concrete pavements. Consideration of the way in which whole life cost (WLC) may influence selection of the most competitive form of concrete structure when...

Improvement of the Temperature-Shrinkage Crack Resistance in the Construction of Concrete Road Pavements


Measures of increasing the crack-and frost resistance of a cement concrete pavement are presented in the paper: -use of control joints in the fresh concrete, only placed in the morning time; - increase by20% of the amount of plasticizer, mixing duration and compaction time of concrete mix.

Whole Life Costing


is important to have the knowledge about the connections between different costs and different surface characteristics of a pavement. The costs are for the road, traffic safety, road user and environment etc. The surface characteristics are things like friction, micro- and macro structure, iuts, evenness, cracks, sloping and drainage etc....

The Dutch Visual Inspection Method and Standards for Levels of Maintenance of Concrete Roads


In view of the evaluation of the Pavement Management System used in the Netherlands, this system will be made suitable for concrete pavements. Thcrefore two main elements of thp cyctem, the visual inspection method and standards for levels of maintenance for concrete pavements has been developed. The visual inspection method...

Vibration Absorbing Concrete Pavements


The evaluation and control of vibrations induced in the environment by the road traffic is a problem of increasing concern mainly in urban areas. Several solutions are under development to define pavement structures capable of absorbing traffic vibrations so to reduce the impact on the environment surrounding the road infrastructure....

Computation of Self-Locking Concrete Block Pavements with Finite Element Analysis


The examined computation procedure for self-locking concrete block pavements is based on the ordinary methods adopted for the computation of flexible and semi-rigid pavements. These methods consider a stress and silaiti distiibutiou uiidei design loads. The analysis considers both the classic, elastic multilayer model, and an axisymmetric, finite element model...

Experiences on Rigid Pavements in Cuban Airports


ratios between 1.0 and 1.25 to achieve the proper performance of the slabs designed. It is clear that thickness of slabs has to be properly designed according to the operations foreseen for the term of use. In the case of rehabilitations by way of overlapped layer, this has rendered a...

A Design Method of Composite Pavement with Asphalt Surface Course and Continuously Reinforced Concrete Base Course


This paper describes a structural design method developed for composite pavement which is composed of an asphalt surface course (ASC) and a continuously reinforced concrete base course (CRCB). The design method is based on the fatigue analysis of CRCB. In the analysis, loading and thermal stresses in (2RU13 are calculated...

Application of High Performance Concretes in Highway and Traflic Infrastructure Construction


High performance concrete - HPC - is characterised by high strength and considerable durability under high service load. In highway construction these concrete is used to constructing and very rapid repairs of pavements, bridges, viaducts and tunnels. Differentiation in types of such objects as well as erection conditions and than...

Performance of the Ecopave System After Five Years Trafficking


ECOPAVE is a system of laying concrete through a modified bituminous paver, inducing transverse cracks into the concrete, and overlaying with a thin bituminous surfacing. The system has been developed through a BRITE project with partners in the UK and Denmark. It is coiisideied to provide economic benefits over the...

Monitoring Program for a Continuously Reinforced Concrete Roadbase in the E35 Highway in the Netherlands


On the European route E35 near Utrecht in the Netherlands a new highway section has been built. The authority in charge has chosen a continuously reinforced concrete roadbase. A monitoring program has been started to collect data from the pavement behaviour. The data will be used fnr rnmparing the chosen...