Air-entraining agents are increasingly recommended as a mean to counteract the ever more severe deterioration of road cement concretes in winter. However, their use is still raising problems as far as the specifications and the practical implementation of the technology are concerned. The results of research conducted by BRRC and...
Air-Entraining Agents in Road Concrete Code of Good Practice and Field Experiments
Effectiveness of Load Transfer in Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement
The load tiansfer due to the dowel bars in jointed reinforced concrete pavements (JRCP) or to the steel reinforcing in continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) has also the effect of reducing the stress on the edge of the load slab. Therefore, the calculation of the load transfer between contiguous slabs...
Belgian Applications of Concrete Inlays on Motorways
Today all highways and road managers are confronted with the problem of the rutting of dense asphaltic concrete roads due to the steady traffic increase of heavy vehicles. Consequently, the lifetime of the low speed right lane decreases much faster than the lifetime of the left lane, which is merely...
Mechanical Properties and Structure of Porous Concrete
A test road with 40 n-mi porous concrete top layer on a 180 mm thick continuously reinforced concrete pavement has been constructed in May 1996 in Belgium following the wet-in-wet method. A preliminary test program was conducted at the Catholic University of Leuven to reveal the influence of different polymer...
Stiff Concrete Paving on Minor Road Systems – Results of a National Inquiry About Mountain Roads
Our investigation was aimed at obtaining information on the road pavements of several mountain road systems subjected to limited traffic and leading to sheep-farming settlements or woodland areas managed by local mountain consortia (Mountain Communities, CM). Steeper car-track sections were found to be paved in concrete to prevent vehicles from...
Control of the Rate of Concrete Compaction in the Structure – a Guarantee of the Cement Concrete Pavement and Base Durability
A 7 Lu 8% reduction in compactness of air-entrained concrete with respect to the maximum one is a positive factor from the frost, -salt resistance standpoint, nevertheless, such compactness of roller compacted concrete can lead to dangerous results. The existing methods of controlling the compaction rate (measuring the volume of...
The Influence of Friction Between Layers on Surface Deflections of Rigid Composite Pavement Structures
The paper presents the influence of friction between layers on surface detlections of rigid composite pavement structures. Pavement structures were analysed using BISAR Programme and non- destructive testing technique under different bonding conditions between the asphalt and the concrete layers. The analysis of the data involves the use of hack-calculation...
High-Strength Concrete for Road Pavements Netherlands 141
The last decade, the technology to design concrete mortars with a high compressive strength have evolved tremendously. The strength of concrete has progressed upto strength values of 130 Mpa. The development of high strength concrete can give the traditional pavement construction techniques a new impulse. Due to the relatively short...
Judgment of Compaction Degree of Rccp by Using Acceleration Waves on Vibrating Roller and Influence of Subgrade Bearing Capacity on It
The acceleration wave of the vibrating compactor under work is disturbed from the sine wave. In this research, the disturbance of acceleration wave was defined as degree of disturbance WD, the relation between compacting time, hearing capacity of ground, consistency of concrete, compaction degree of concrete, strength of concrete and...
Concrete Requirements for Ultra-Thin Concrete (Whitetopping) for Flexible Pavements
Whitetopping solutions for old flexible asphalt pavement overlays have been a challange for highway agencies and designers in the recent past years, with special regards to ultra-thin concrete overlays, also called by ultrathin whitetopping (UTW). Considering the needs of full bond between the UTW and the old asphalt concrete (AC)...
High Performance Porous Concrete for Road Traffic
This report details the construction of a 300 m long experimental section of road for heavy traffic in Villamayor, Salamanca, Spain, using "high performance porous concrete" (HPPC). HPPC is made with the same materials as conventional compact concrete (Ccc), i.e. cement (two types have been used for this project), coarse...
Ushuaia’s New International Airport
The highest expression of engineering lies in those works which challenge nature and rise through a modified environment as a proof of human genius and perseverance. Ushuaia's new international is one of those titanic works, located in the Andean geography, next to the Beagle Channel, in the most southern city...