In areas with a low bearing capacity of the soil it is very hard nd expensive to manage and maintain the road system. In eneral the common pavement structures are not able to resist uring its lifetime the deformation of the subsoil caused by the eavy weight of pavement structures....
Cement Concrete Characteristics For Road Pavements Practical Experience with the Polyfunctional Composite Pavement (Pcp)
A stretch of the slip-road between the Al and A2 (Fiano tomano-S. Casareo) has been made of PCP (polyfunctional .omposite pavement). The system is "composite" owing to the rresence of several layers: mix cemented to cement binder, :ontinuous reinforcement concrete slab and bituminous layer; 'polyfunctional" owing to the diverse functions...
The Use of Seismic Tests to Assess the Properties of Portland Cement Concrete During Curing
«In situ» measurements of surface wavevelocityon two prototype concrete slabs indicate that seismic measurements offer a reliable alternative to con-ventional penetration resistance and cylinder com-pression tests for determining the stiffness of Port-land cement concrete during curing. The surfacewave velocity was determined using a nondestruc-tiveand nonintrusive technique called the SpectralAnalysis of...
The Brite Project on the Freeze/Thaw Durability of Concrete Block Paving
The prime objective of this programme is to develop an ac-zelerated freeze/thaw performance test that relates reliably tofield performance.Samples of 40 experimental block mixes have been placed onone or more of 5 exposure sites. Data from meteorologicalstations on these sites are being used to model the relationshipbetween ambient conditions and...
Dependable Production of Air-Entrained Concrete with High Resistance to Freezing and Thawing in the Presente of De-Icing Salt For Road and Bridge Construction
To ensure that concrete has a high resistance to freezing and thawing it must contain small air voids which are produced by an air-entraining agent and which must be present in sufficient quantities to match the amount of fine mortar. The limits for the air content of unset concrete and...
The Chemical Characterization of Admixtures For Cement Concrete
Although the Belgian standards provide for quality control of idrnixtures for cement concrete, it is interesting to complement his information by a more thorough chemical identification. this makes it possible to increase the economic advantages vhich result from their use. nfrared spectrographic investigation, which enables the ategory of basic chemical...
Current Trends and Criteria For the Selection of Materials For Concrete Pavements
The object of this articleisto evaluate the influence of materials used in the construction of rigid pavements, and of the method of placing the con-crete on the final pavement quality.Using the results of laboratory tests and experi-ments taken from the available literature, the ut-most attention must be paid to the...
High Strength Aggregate Rich Concrete For Pavements
During the last decades the use of Roller Compac-ted Concrete for pavements has increased worldwide. A concrete pavement of significant higherquality than typical Roller Compacted Concretehas been developed at Aalborg Portland. The con-creteisplaced and fullycompacted with an asphaltpaver, mounted with a heavy high-compactionscreed. No rollers have to be used. In...
Resistance of Concrete Safety Barriers and Concrete Road Against the Scaling Action of Deicing Salts
The paper presents a synthesis of results related to the construc-tion of concrete safety barriers and of a study about the treat-ment of roads in which the strength against deicing salts wastoo low.A survey of the 13 concrete safety barriers after 3 wintersshows that there is a rather good relation...
Porous Concrete For Urban Pavements
Over the past few years, interest in the uses and applications of porous cement concrete for pave-ments has been growing. Its position in pavementconstruction has developed to such an extent thatit iscurrently used in places of greater importance(from shoulders to sub-bases, and even surfaces).This paper is part of the experience...
Cements For Concrete Pavements Mixed Cement Or Type V with Fly Ash
In Spain the development of cement, specially for concrete pavements, has been based on making use of fly ash in cement production. Such a development was achieved after studying the characteristics of the available fly ash and the respective experiencies. The results led to a widespread use of this type...
Quality Assurance of Construction Materials For Concrete Roads in Germany
Heavy use of the pavements caused by traffic, cli-mate and winter service requires a highly resistantconcrete with high flexural strength. Correspon-ding requirements on road concrete are laid downin «Additional Technical Instructions for Cons-tructing Concrete Pavements» (ZTV Beton), partlyalso requirements on some concrete basicmaterials.All materials used for construction of concretepavements have...