The load tiansfer due to the dowel bars in jointed reinforced concrete pavements (JRCP) or to the steel reinforcing in continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) has also the effect of reducing the stress on the edge of the load slab. Therefore, the calculation of the load transfer between contiguous slabs...
A Comparison of Life Cycle Costs of Asphalt and Concrete Pavements by Computer Modelling
In the beginning of the 1990s the coiiciete industry tried to introduce newly developed concrete pavements on the Danish market, which is dominated by asphalt pavements. A number of rough estimates were carried out by all the involved parts, showing completely different results. In this paper a non-biased intensive study...
Use of Crack and Seat in Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation a Case Study
This paper describes the processes carried out in the crack and seat of an existing concrete pavement on the M40 Motorway in England.
Utra-Thin Whitetopping Applications in Mexico
Since 1993, tliiee experimcntal test sections have been built in Mexico to study the performance of Ultra-thin Whitetopping (UTW) under different traffic conditions. In this paper, the construction, instrumentation and load testing of an UTW test section built on a major highway is described. Based on the experimental results, UTW...
Mechanical Properties and Structure of Porous Concrete
A test road with 40 n-mi porous concrete top layer on a 180 mm thick continuously reinforced concrete pavement has been constructed in May 1996 in Belgium following the wet-in-wet method. A preliminary test program was conducted at the Catholic University of Leuven to reveal the influence of different polymer...
Swedish Concrete Block Pavements Investigation of State and Performance
Concrete block pavements have a good load carrying capacity and load distribution ability. The concrete block pavement is durable, insensitive to settlements, easy to repair, bright, and aesthetically attractive. It has therefore frequently been used in urban environments. In Sweden, however, concrete block pavements have been less frequent than in...
Urban Rigid Pavements in Italy
Since the end of the Second World War many of the urban road pavements that had been executed in concrete have been gradually repaved with bitumen. As a result of the problems induced by increasing traffic rates, rigid pavements are now gaining new impetus also within urban road networks. PIARC's...
New Standard Design for Concrete Roads in Flanders (Belgium)
This paper describes the new pavement design catalogue for concrete roads in Flanders. The catalogue includes plain concrete and continuous reinforced concrete pavement. Structures for interlocking concrete block pavements were added. The catalogue contains structures for roads as well as for bicycle lanes. The structures are based on the concept...
A Simplified Stress Evaluation Method Considering the Loss of Contact Pavement-Support
The concrete pavements, being subjected to thermal gradients, gravity and traffic loads, are itol in contact everywhere with their support. The traditional calculation methods use mathematical expressions developed assuming the slabs completely in contact with the support or expression not considering the presence of gravity load and thermal gradients with...
Prediction of Soil-Cement Strength Gain
Prediction of the strength gain of soil - cement mixtures to be used as base or sub-base of roads is of practical importance. It is necessary to know with good approximation the strength developed under the 'in-Situ' curing conditions for a given age. This research work has studied the application...
High-Strength Concrete for Road Pavements Netherlands 141
The last decade, the technology to design concrete mortars with a high compressive strength have evolved tremendously. The strength of concrete has progressed upto strength values of 130 Mpa. The development of high strength concrete can give the traditional pavement construction techniques a new impulse. Due to the relatively short...
Non-Clinker Slag Binder
The solution of questions of using slag as a binder material vit1i different catalysts is highly actual, since it helps in broadening the nomenclature of binder materials. increases qualth' and durability of products containing these stags. Ecological problems of regions vitIi developed metallurgical industries are solved as well.