Salamanca Place in Hobart is a unique historic area dating from the 1830s. Georgian sandstone warehouse buildings flank a 24-m-wide roadway built over a reclaimed area originally used by the whaling fleet and shipping lines. The refurbished warehouses now function as professional offices, restaurants, a foundation covering most facets of...
Concrete Segmental Pavements (May 1993)
Overview Of Xxth World Road Congress (Dec 1995)
About 2700 delegates attended the five-day Congress which consisted of plenary sessions, committee reports and technical tours. The Associations national infra structure engineer attended the Congress to assess the relevance of new road technology for Australia. The Congress was organised by PIARC (a more detailed explanation of PIARC can be...
Coloured Concrete Road For Rural Setting (Oct 1977)
When the owners of properties fronting Roma Parade in the Shire of Sherbrooke, Victoria requested construction of their private road, it posed real problems for the Shires designers. Roma Parade is very steep havi ng a 67 metre fall in level over its 248 metres length. Their final design included...
Australian Pavement Research The Last 20 Years (Mar 1996)
The road transport system is a valuable and essential part of Australias infrastructure in which we all have an enormous stake. However, infrastructure is a long- term investment in the future and consequently receives little attention from the public unless something goes wrong or individually, we are affected by delays...
Concrete Safety Barriers (Dec 1977)
Throughout Australia, concrete safety barriers are being used to improve the safety of existing roads and to provide a built-in safety feature in new roadways. When used as med ian barriers, their most common ro ]e, they minimise the risk of head-on collisions, the type of accident which accounts for...
Interlocking Concrete Block Pavements In Adelaide (Jun 1978)
The Adelaide City Council has recently made extensive use of concrete interlocking block paving in several projects. Landscape design principles were applied in the improvement of several inner-city, largely-residential streets where the aims were to improve their appearance and to make them safer for pedestrians. The two major projects were...
Concrete Subbases For Flexible Pavements (Nov 1978)
Concrete is being increasingly used in the Sydney area to provide a sub-base for flexible road pavements. Typically, the pavement comprises 150 mm of plain concrete sub-base beneath a conventional roadbase and a surfacing of asphaltic concrete. Figure 2 shows the general form of pavement construction. The concrete sub-base provides...
Leichhardt Council Reconstructs Balmain Road With Reinforced Concrete (Apr 1979)
Balmain Road is one of the oldest roads in the Municipality of Leichhardt, about 5 km west of the Central Business District of Sydney. The road provides an important link between Parramatta Road and Victoria Road which are two major arterials. This year, the road was scheduled for reconstruction. After...
Salamanca Place Hobart Restored With Interlocking Paving (Dec 1980)
Salamanca Place Hobart is a unique historic area dating from the 1830s, its Georgian sandstone buildings flanking a 24-metre-wide roadway built over an old wharf area originally used by the whaling fleet and shipping lines. A row of plane trees now totally define the road beyond which are the Marine...
South Australias New Concrete Median Barrier (Mar 1981)
Safety on the public road is a matter of concern to the whole community. Fast moving opposing streams of traffic are often separated only by air and paint and the potential for collisions is high. Many campaigns are conducted to improve driver education and performance; regulations require an increasing number...
150 Km Of Concrete Pavement On Three Major Roads (Dec 1985)
SinceJ982, activities under the Australian Bicentennial Road Development Program (ABRD), in conjunction with works under other Commonwealth and Stale funding arrangements have become highly visible in up- grading the Australian road system to a high standard. In New South Wales and elsewhere concrete roads in varying configurations up to six-lane,...
Rehabilitation Of Forestry Roads By Cement Stabilisation (Jul 1986)
In recent years there has been increasing usage of cement-stabilisation techniques to rehabilitate or re- cycle existing granular road pavements, providing a major service-lite extension for them at a cost much lower than that of reconstruction. This technique has now been successfully extended to include forestry roads. Following a successful...