
Eco-Concrete Block Paving


Eco-concrete block paving is considered to be a significant innovation for environmentally beneficial pavements in residential areas. The objective is to infiltrate rainwater on the spot. The use of permeable concrete block paving is restricted by its bearing capacity and the existing soil. The paper deals with fundamental rules, design...

Computational Modelling in the Theory of Concrete Pavements


The jointed concrete pavement is analysed as a system of interacting rectangular slabs transferring wheel loads into an elastic layered subgrade. The finite element plate analysis is combined with the assumption of a linear contact stress variation over triangular elements of the contact region division. The linking forces are introduced...

A Contribution to Concrete Pavement Analysis


The concrete pavement structure consisting of the M40 concrete slab 160 to 240 mm in thickness and the cement-stabilized base course (CSB) 150 to 250 mm in thickness, is analyzed in the paper. The pavement slab is not reinforced and the spacing between expansion joints was selected in such a...

The Namur Test Road Behavior of Various Types of Contraction Joints After 17 Years of Traffic


This article describes the behaviour after 17 years of service of the test sections constructed in 1979 on State road N 4 in the Belgian province of Namur. The object of this experiment, is to compare various types of contraction joint on the same site and under the same conditions...

Study of a Romanian Experimental CRCP Road Section


The experimental continuously reinforced concrete (C. R. C. P.) road section has been realized in 1975 on a Romanian principal road, in a mountain area. There are presented the design method, the materials, the technology and the behavior after twenty years of traffic.

Test Sections of Noiseless Cement Concrete Pavements


Halfway through 1996, six different wearing courses were casted over a length of 3 km on the N255 Edingeri-Ninovc at Ilcrnc and Gaimaarden. 4 Different wearing courses each 4 cm thick, were casted on a continuously reinforced concrete pavement. In addition to the conventional wearing courses SMA 0/14 and ZOAB...

Research Into Concrete Block Paving with Realistic Load of a Heay Vehicle Wheel


Within the scope of a research project different block pavings have been studied under realistic load of a road test machine considering the influence on the resistance to vertical deformations and horizontal displacements.

Concrete Pavements of the Macau International Airport


This paper describes design solutions of the concrete pavements from Macau International Airport, including runway, taxiways and apron. Aspects about the execution and results from quality control are also presented, within the scope of activities made by LECM (Macau Civil Engineering Laboratory) in this project, as a quality assurance agent...

Study on Quality Control Method for Road Pavement Concrete Using Splitting Strength


The quality control of pavement concrete is carried out with bending strength in Japan. However, the bending strength test requires very heavy specimens of 15xl5x53cm and it is not easy to cariy out loading tests. This paper shows the results of several experiments on the feasibility of using the splitting...

Rollcrete Bas – CBGB for the Tag Motorway in Turkey


Rollcrete Base - also called Cement-sound Granular Base (CBGB) - is basically a dry material bound by Portland cement, placed using an adapted asphalt paver, and vibrated externally. One of the first applications of rolicrete for the Trans European Motorway project was on the Tarsus - Adana - Gaziantep (TAG)...

Analysis of the Response of Concrete Pavement Slabs Jointed by Dowel Bars


The present paper aims to contribute to the study of the structural response of concrete slabs jointed by dowel bars in pavements. As is known, a common construction technique of pavements is this one that uses concrete slabs interconnected each other in both directions by equidistant dowel steel bars. A...

Concrete Pavements for Heavy Traffic Areas


The space available on our roads is becoming less and less. All forecasts agree that the increase in traffic will also cotiliiiue to grow considerably in the years before us. At the same time, because of the changes in political conditions in Europe and the opening of the frontiers, there...