
Development of a Removable Urban Pavement Technology

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A Removable Urban Pavement (RUP) is a pavement that can be open and closed rapidly, with light facility, for an easy access to underground networks. It has the same difference with a conventional road as a window compared to a solid wall. No such a pavement seems to have ever...

Multicriteria Aid to the Choice of Road Surfacings

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Multicriteria aid to decision-making is a set of theories and methods designed to assist decisionmakers in selecting one out of several possible alternatives while considering various points of view or “criteria”. In managing their assets, road managers are often faced with the difficult choice of type of surfacing to suit...

The Road Traffic Noise Attributes of Some Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Surfaces in Australia

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This paper presents the conduct and outcomes of a series of investigations aimed primarily at determining the noise attributes of several rigid and flexible pavement surfaces currently in service in Australia. The investigations, which included both Portland Cement Concretes and Asphaltic Concretes, have been conducted over the last five years...

Investigation of Premature Concrete Pavement Distress on the Pan-American Highway in El Salvador

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In 2005, a forensic engineering study was conducted on a recently constructed concrete pavement located along the Pan-American Highway (CA-1) in El Salvador. The primary distress was observed to be full-depth cracking, predominantly in the longitudinal direction. This type of cracking was noted to occur just a few months after...

Ultra Fast-Track Concrete Paving Belgian Experience

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For three years the Roads and Traffic Administration (AWV) of Flemish Brabant in Belgium has been using the technique of ultrafast-track (UFT) concrete paving for the rehabilitation of several road sections. The aim is to achieve a compressive strength of 40 N/mm² on cores after 30 to 36 h of...

Urban Works in Cement Concrete: Cross Experiments Between the Road World and the Street World

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The street is not a road because it fulfils multiple functions as a travel, social, cultural and economic space. The choice and organisation of surfacing play an important role, which must be clearly identified by roadway players. Cement concrete in all its urban forms occupies a place of choice in...

Skid Resistance in Austrian Tunnels with Special Attention to Concrete Pavements

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The skid resistance of a road surface is of high importance for road safety. All kinds of controllable acceleration, deceleration and steering actions are only possible, if the road surface offers at least the same adhesion as the driver’s action requires. It gets even more difficult due to the fact...

Walloon Design Method for Concrete Pavements Improvements Since 2003

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The Administration of the Ministry of Equipment and Transport of the Walloon Government, together with researchers of the Federation of the Belgian Cement Industry and the Belgian Road Research Centre, put into practice a software program for the structural design of pavements. This program is in use for several years...

Construction of Concrete Roads in Agriculture Building Industry

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From many decades concrete has been successively applied in road construction in many countries. The scale of these applications is different depending on local experience and tradition. Concrete pavement is many a time more profitable solution than bituminous pavements. It refers not only to the construction of motorways or express...

Asphalt-Bound or Cement-Bound Roadbase in Concrete Pavements

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Plain Jointed Concrete Pavements (PJCP) are used on Swedish concrete roads. In the Swedish road construction specifications there are two alternatives for bound roadbases which can be used in concrete pavements. Generally a 150 mm thick cement-bound roadbase (CG) has been used. As an alternative a 100 mm thick asphalt-bound...

Concrete Pavement Without Dowel Bars

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The joint system presented herein takes advantage of the natural development of shrinkage in concrete to induce the formation of joints along the projections of previously placed system devices. Such system induces in an in-situ concrete pavement an efficient interlocking indentation among the slab elements resulting from the shrinkage phenomenon....

Implementation Aspects of the Steenokkerzeel Bypass Road

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Early in 2005 the “Steenokkerzeel bypass road” was opened for traffic. This road forms a type of ring road around Steenokkerzeel centre. This new road was linked to the centre via roundabouts in two places. The bypass road as well as both roundabouts were laid in continuously reinforced concrete, the...