
Critical assessment of various construction techniques

Highways Members Only

The long-term behaviour of various types of road pavement construction can be estimated or prognosticated from a methodical assessment of the condition of the roads and the associated data collection. Prognoses can be made not only with regard to technical cri teria, but also with regard to overall cost trends...

Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Concrete Roads

Highways Members Only

For the repair of concrete roads to be effective and economic it is essential to have planned maintenance procedure. Details of such a procedure are to be published in the forthcoming publication "Manual for the Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Roads" ,which is to be adopted for roads administered by...

Influence of Thermal Gradiente on Non-Destructive Evaluation of Concrete Pavements

Highways Members Only

The non-destructive evaluation of a concrete pavement must account for the temperature warping condition of the slab at the test time. In fact the thermal gradients induced in the slab by the daily temperature variations cause the temperature warping of the slab and this affects the value of the maximum...

Criteria for the technical choice of priority sections to be reinstated on roads with concrete pavements

Highways Members Only

Concrete pavements have been used to a wide extent in France on the st.rategic motorway network of the Paris area and on development trunk roads such as the Paris- Lyons. Due to the age of such road pavements, some of which are more than 25 years old, and the large...

Assessment of the performance of the structural properties of concrete pavements by means of the falling mass deflectometer

Highways Members Only

The paper describes the survey and assessment of the structural properties of concrete pavements with the aid of in-situ and non-destructiveloading tests performed with the Dynatest 8000 falling-weight deflectometer (FWD). The following parameters for carriageway slabs with joints are considered: (I) modulus of elasticity of the concrete slabs; (2) modulus...

Critical views on the procedure for and assessment of concreteroad conditions (Results of an investigation carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Transport

Highways, Local Government Members Only

The resu l.cs of a research project are reported in ,which a method for the visual surveying of the condition of concreee roads was developed. In collaboration with three Federal German States, the road maintenance procedure hitherto applied was examined. The furcher investigation comprised the development of data recording sheets...

Slab behaviour of plain undoweled concrete pavements

Highways Members Only

The behaviour of plain concrete slabs, belonging to pavements with no dowels through transversal Jo~nts, is described. The slab behaviour is observed by means of field instrumentation, measuring absolute deflections produced by environment variations (temperature and moisture), by support rigidity variations and by a controled axle load. Deformations are measured...

Non-destructive testing of motorway concrete pavements

Highways Members Only

The standard of serviceability of road pavements can be expressed in terms of safety for the user (skidding res is tance, riding quali ty). For highway managers a standard of structural serviceability is essential for optimizing the initial constructional expenditure and for predicting ~he time schedule for maintenance, strengthening or...

Determination of slab rocking at the joints of a cement concrete pavement

Highways Members Only

The amplitude of the deflection at the ends of the slabs at the transverse joints under the passage of a heavy load is an impo.tant c.iterion for assessing the effecciveness of the load transfe. at the joints and for the degree of deterioration of the carriageway. The technique applied at...

Pavement monitoring and heavy maintenance on the Geneva-Lausanne motorway

Highways Members Only

The Geneva - Lausanne moeorway, which was commissioned in 1964, comprises about ~5 km of concrete pavement consisting of 20 cm thick doweled slabs (10m x 4m) resting on a non-stabilized 55 cm thick gravel-sand sub-base (0 -100 mm particle size). The subgrade consists of non-stabilized natural insieu soils as...

Thin continuously reinforced concrete and steel fibre reinforced concrete overlays – Performance assessment after two and three years in service

Highways Members Only

Seven experimental sections of thin overlay construction on old concrete and asphalt road pavements have been built in Belgium since 1982. These comprise a total area of 107 000 m2 of fibre reinforced concrete (five sections) of la cm and 12 cm thickness and 34000 m2 of continuously reinforced concrete...

Concrete overlay on the regional major road Eersel-Belgium frontier (SI7)

Highways Members Only

Since 1984 the county of ~oord-Brabant in the. ~etherlands is working out a programme ofconcrete cve r Lay i ng of old concrete pavements. These old pavements were mostly constructed in the 1960's. These roads, constructed on a sandbed,are unab Le to wi ths tand the increased weight and intens...