The roughness specifications of a recent Israeli PWD concrete road project, consisting of a 4-lanes stretch of a 7- kilometer length (Route No.3), included both bonuses and penalties in their pay-adjustment functions. The California-type profilograph outputs served as the data for these functions. The reason for using this particular profile...
Reporting ASR in US Airfield Runways
In the present study, alkali silica reactivity (ASR) in airfield runways (pavements) is reported based on investigation of two US airports. The study includes in-field detection of ASR distress features followed by detailed laboratory investigation of cores collected from strategic locations. This two-tire approach was found to be most effective...
Economic Models as Basis For Investment Decisions
There is a trend to work with the influence of roads on the whole society. The quality level, and the initial investment cost, for pavements and road superstructures, should therefore be grounded on Life Cycle Cost analysis (LCC). LCC or Whole Life Costing (WLC), is described in a PIARC document...
Efficiency of Curing Compounds A New Test Method
A new, reproducible test method for curing compounds has been devised. This method is based on concrete made using 400 kg/m³ of cement and 0/8 granulates. Eight different curing compounds were tested. A linear relation was found between effectiveness after 7 days at 35°C and 40% RH and relative compressive...
Effect of Curing on Strength and Chloride Penetration into Concretes Made with Portland and Blast Furnace Slag Cements
In this paper, portland cement concretes and concretes with blast furnace slag cement were studied to determine the parameters for strength and chloride permeability under different curing procedures. For this purpose, four concrete mixtures were made at two different water cement ratios of 0.45 and 0.65 with cement contents of...
High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete for Concrete Pavements
This paper presents the data on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete made with replacement of the Portland cement by fly ash, from a thermal power plant in Turkey, up to large volumes (55%). The investigated parameters are water requirement for a given slump, air content, setting time of...
Optimisation Model for Functional Properties of Concrete Roads
Concrete is a suitable material for road pavements, both technically and economically. That holds especially for roads with high traffic intensity and heavy loads. Concrete roads have several technical advantages such as high wear resistance and load bearing capacity, good durability and a bright surface. In order to make concrete...
Bearing Capacity of Concrete Roads
The pavement management of concrete roads in Ge rmany is essentially based on surface-referred status datas. Suitable measuring techniques are available for the data aquisition. Approved and practicable methods apply for their evaluation. However there are no appropriate procedures and concepts for the structural substance evaluation regarding the prognosis of...
Joint-Design on Concrete Motorways in Austria
A recently finished study at the Research Institute of the Association of the Austrian Cement Industry and the Institute for Road Construction and Maintenance, Technical University Vienna focuses on the improvement of the joint design on concrete roads. The main issues of this study are presented in this paper. Special...
A New Youth For An Old Lady Rehabilitation of the Lorraine Avenue in Brussels – Belgium
The Drève de Lorraine in Brussels is an old forestry road connecting the highway to the south part of Brussels. It has been built in 1925, using concrete slabs of 15 cm thick lying directly on the natural ground. After 78 years of good services, this road has been rehabilitated...
Bituminous Pavement and Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) on a Motorway in Walloon Region (Belgium) Economical Comparative Study
and safety levels for very many years. The Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Facilities of the Walloon Region conducted a comparative study of the motorway in 2000 between a continuously reinforced concrete pavement and a bituminous pavement. Very many factors obviously come into play for an objective comparison and they...
Protecting Concrete Surfaces Against Frost a Study of Sealing Products Used on Airfields
Concrete, which is susceptible to frost and thawing salts, is protected by adding an air-entraining admixture, which leads to air content levels of 3.5 to 6% being achieved. Another possible protection involves the application of a sealant which prevents water penetration. In this instance, resistance to scaling as a result...