Safety on the public road is a matter of concern to the whole community. Fast moving opposing streams of traffic are often separated only by air and paint and the potential for collisions is high. Many campaigns are conducted to improve driver education and performance; regulations require an increasing number...
Warringah Freeway Pavement Sydney 22 Years Of Minimum Maintenance Service (Jun 1990)
The Warringah Freeway (FI) extending north from the Sydney Harbour Bridge was commissioned in 1968. It was the first major length of urban concrete freeway pavement in Australia. The pavement, including shoulders, is reinforced concrete with a total length equivalent to 42 km of a two-lane road. Built under a...
Reducing Traffic Noise (Jun 1995)
Much of the mechanism to minimise the environmental impact of new, and upgrading of existing, roads is described in environmental impact statements (FIS). Recently, the community has played an important role in the preparation of EISs by assessing the potential impact and benefits derived from such statements Prepared by engineers....
Bankstown City Council A Review Of 10 Years Of Recycling Streets By Cement Stabilisation (Sep 1981)
Many Local Government authorities in Australia are finding themselves in the position where roads constructed many years ago are now showing signs of distress. This can be due to a deterioration in the riding surface, a loss pf structural capacity in the pavement itself or, as is often the case,...
Brisbane City Council Process Approach To Insitu Cement Stabilisation As A Rehabilitation Method For Failed Pavements (Aug 1990)
The Brisbane City Council is responsible for maintaining approximately 5000 km of road. A Pavement Management System was developed in 1977 to formulate policy on the effective funding for the maintenance and rehabilitation of road pavements. Through this system all streets are visually assessed and classified with regard to surface...
Pavement Asset Management (Aug 1995)
Pavement performance audits have also assisted engineers to analyse vast amounts of data relating to the performance of various traffickable roads in the municipality. Assessing different rehabilitation or reconstruction strategies requires an understanding of the costs and longevity of different pavement types and treatments. Since rigid pavements outlast flexible pavements,...
Stabilisation Plant Operating In Australia (Nov 1981)
Stabilisation, already widely used in road pavements in Australia, is being increasingly specified by engineers in three general areas: (a) To improve the engineering properties of sub- grade materials. (b) To modify or strengthen locally available materials which are often of a marginal quality in a situation of diminishing availability...
Performance Of Concrete Pavements On Major Nsw Roads (Nov 1990)
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the construction of concrete (rigid) pavements in NSW on both major highways and urban, municipal networks. Concrete roads have been constructed in configurations varying from twolane carriageways to six-lane, dual-carriageway formations. Three major, heavily trafficked roads on which concrete pavements...
Overview Of Xxth World Road Congress (Dec 1995)
About 2700 delegates attended the five-day Congress which consisted of plenary sessions, committee reports and technical tours. The Associations national infra structure engineer attended the Congress to assess the relevance of new road technology for Australia. The Congress was organised by PIARC (a more detailed explanation of PIARC can be...
Major Concrete Road Construction For Nsw In 1982 (Mar 1982)
Signfcant changes in the costs and availability of key resources, which began to occur in the 1970s and are continuing in the 1980s, together with reassessments of the effects of traffic loads, particularly heavy traffic, are seeing reviews of the types of pavements and their design by road authorities in...
Recycling Flood-Damaged Roads By Cement Stabilisation (Jul 1990)
During 1990 large inland areas of Queensland and New South Wales were devastated by severe floods. Considerable media attention was devoted to the effect of these floods on people and their property. Evacuation, flood-relief oDerations and subseauent rehabilitation of towns damaged by the floods were widely reported. One element of...
Australian Pavement Research The Last 20 Years (Mar 1996)
The road transport system is a valuable and essential part of Australias infrastructure in which we all have an enormous stake. However, infrastructure is a long- term investment in the future and consequently receives little attention from the public unless something goes wrong or individually, we are affected by delays...