ISCP has also provided increased visibility and accessibility to the proceedings of past international conferences. This system allows for seamless publication and management of all conference materials in a centralized, open-access platform and will feed into worldwide search engines for better visibility of our field's research efforts. Key Features of the...
ISCP Proceedings of International Conference on Concrete Pavements, 1981 to 2016
13th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, held on August 25-29, 2024 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
The International Society of Concrete Pavements (ISCP) has published proceedings for the 13th International Conference on Concrete Pavements, held on August 25-29, 2024 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Under the Memorandum of Understanding between the ISCP and the ASCP, we are making the proceedings available online and can be downloaded in...
ASCP Forum Series (F2F) Wednesday 27th of November 2024 : Presentations and Recording
ASCP Forum Series - F2F Event, 9am – 3pm Wednesday, 27th November 2024, Melbourne. Host: NTRO Headquarters (formerly ARRB) 80 Turner St, Port Melbourne VICTORIA 3207 The November 2024 ASCP Pavement Technical Forum featured speakers across the full spectrum of the concrete paving industry, with topics as widely varied. The...
ASCP Forum Series (F2F) Tuesday 17th of September 2024 : Presentations and Recording
The morning sessions saw Peter Carson (Carson Group) deliver a Holbrook Case Study on Concrete Overlay Performance , followed by Mohammed Ibrahim Mostazid (UNSW) walking us through Developing Accelerated Tests Criteria for Assessing Geopolymer Concrete Durability. After morning tea, Frank Grech (Kaysand) presented ‘Engineering the best sustainable concrete sand". Next,...
AUS-SPEC Rigid Pavements Worksections
It would be great if the ASCP members can volunteer to review the following attached AUS-SPEC rigid pavements work sections: 1131 Roller compacted concrete subbase 1132 Lean mix concrete subbase 1133 Plain and reinforced concrete base 1134 Steel fibre reinforced concrete base 1135 Continuously reinforced concrete base Attached below is...
Conference Workshop : Moon Won / Eric Ferrebee
Summary Base thickness design – challenging Optimum steel depth – for thicker slabs, longitudinal steel needs to be above the mid-depth; otherwise, there could be horizontal cracking and distresses. Primary cause for distresses at TCJs is poor consolidation of concrete – no need for additional steel.
Portland Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cements For Rapid Pavement Repair : Liam Devlin
Portland Calcium Sulphoaluminate Cements for Rapid Pavement Repair Liam Devlin 1, 1 Chief Scientist, BSC Chem, PERAGRENE 2 Postgraduate supervisor, Visiting Fellow, ARC Training Centre- Chemical Industries, School of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UNSW, Sydney ABSTRACT Belitic Calcium Sulphoaluminate (BCSA) cements have dominated ultra-rapid repair concrete for over 30 years....
Reliability Of Strength-Maturity Correlation To Predict In-Place BCSA Cement Concrete Strength : Aziz Mahmood
Reliability of strength-maturity correlation to predict in-place BCSA cement concrete strength Aziz Hasan Mahmood1, Ian Hampton2 1 Lecturer, University of Technology Sydney, NSW 2007 2 Head of Technical, Antoun, Guildford, NSW 2161 ABSTRACT This paper details the formulation of a strength-maturity correlation for BCSA cement concrete and its utilisation in...
Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Using HES Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete : Peter Carson
Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation using HES Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Peter Carson1, Chris Sinclair2, Jaun Meyer3, Kriti Dhital4, Bryce Neely5, Mark James6 1 Engineering Manager, B Eng (Civil), B Surv, MPTech, MPM, Carson Group 2 B Eng (Civil), Georgiou Group 3 Senior Assoc Engineer, BSc Hons (Civil Eng), SMEC Australia 4...
30 Year Performance Of A Unique Pavement Material : Michael Van Koeverdan
30 Year Performance of a Unique Pavement Material Michael van Koeverden1, Peter Heeley2 1 B.E.(Civil), F.I.E Aust, CPEng, NER, IntPE(Aus), RPEQ, RPE NSW, DBP NSW, Director, CQT Services 2 B.E., Grad Dip (Bus Man), Prof Cert Arb, Professional Associate, CQT Services ABSTRACT In 1994 the former NSW electricity utility Pacific...
Using Carbon Nanotube Enriched Liquid Additive Technology To Improve Concrete Durability and Design Life Contributing As a Sustainable Solution : Tasha Eagle
Using Carbon Nanotube enriched liquid additive technology to improve concrete durability and design life, contributing as a sustainable solution. Tasha Eagle1, 1 Product Segment Specialist & BDM, FOSROC ABSTRACT Carbon nanotube (CNT) enriched liquid additives, when used in the design and construction of concrete result in improved durability and strength....
Building A Faster Concrete Pavement : Shane Dunstan
In his early years, Shane was visiting concrete projects around Australia, playing in stockpiles and climbing the machines, well before OHS and PPE were a concern. From spending a month producing slipform concrete in Postdam Germany in 1992 through to a 75,000m2 RCC industrial payment in Iowa USA last week,...