AUS-SPEC Rigid Pavements Worksections

It would be great if the ASCP members can volunteer to review the following attached AUS-SPEC rigid pavements work sections:

  • 1131 Roller compacted concrete subbase
  • 1132 Lean mix concrete subbase
  • 1133 Plain and reinforced concrete base
  • 1134 Steel fibre reinforced concrete base
  • 1135 Continuously reinforced concrete base

Attached below is pdf copies of the worksections to ensure that the guidance material which assists the specifier is visible.

These documents are national and aimed at local roads, managed by councils.

For understanding the AUS-SPEC styles:

  • Black font text within the worksection is what forms part of the specification provided to the contractor. It is intended to be edited by the specifier to remove any items that are not relevant to their project.
  • Any green boxed text is the Guidance text and it provides background information and further guidance to the specifier. This text is hidden in Word and does not form part of the final specification that goes to the contractor.
  • Any brown text with [complete/delete] are Prompts and are there for the specifier to complete with a project specific requirement or delete if not required.
  • Finally, any blue text highlighted grey is the Optional text and does not form part of the final specification that goes to the contractor unless the specifier opts to include it. There are also schedules at the end of the worksection that can be used if the specifier wishes, or they may use their own schedules or drawing notes.

For more information on AUS-SPEC please visit and for AUS-SPEC case studies

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