ISCP Proceedings of International Conference on Concrete Pavements, 1981 to 2016

ISCP has also provided increased visibility and accessibility to the proceedings of past international conferences. This system allows for seamless publication and management of all conference materials in a centralized, open-access platform and will feed into worldwide search engines for better visibility of our field’s research efforts. Key Features of the ISCP OJS include the following:

  • All papers presented at previous conferences will now have a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier), ensuring proper citation and easier access.
  • All conference proceedings will be freely accessible worldwide, promoting wider dissemination and collaboration of the concrete pavement community.
  • The OJS allows authors to submit, track, and update their work easily, providing a transparent and efficient experience for future publication endeavors.

ISCP encourage users to explore the new system and make use of these resources. Currently, the 1st through 11th International Conferences on Concrete Pavements are available through the OJS with the 12th and 13th Conferences to be published shortly. Please bookmark this link and check back regularly as ISCP continues to build upon this database.

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