The concept of reinforcing pavements and of reinforced earth for improving the bearing capacity of insitu soils both under static and dynamic loading has gained popularity in receriL The word geotextile is now accepted by all civil Engineers to describe the textile used for improving the behavioural (structural) and functional...
The State of Temperature and Shrinkage Stress in CRCP in Curve Areas
In the literature of speciality there are studies about the calculus and behavior of continuously reinforced concrete pavements for alignment areas. In our paper we present some aspects of temperature variation and shrinkage stress in curve areas, taking also into account friction, which is determined experimentally in the laboratory. The...
Dynamics of the Roads Evaluation of the Forces Transmitted from a Vehicle to the Road Under Different Loading Conditions
A simplified viscose elastic model is proposed which is able to simulate the dynamic interactions between a vehicle and the rigid pavement under different loading conditions (constant and linearly variable in time). The deformations are correlated to the length of the mobile loads and to the characteristics of the vehicle....
Technical Conditions for Completely Using the Advantages of Concrete Pavements
It is immanent for concrete pavements not to get plastic deformations and therefore concrete pavements are especially suitable for heavy traffic roads. However, pavement performance depends from avoiding of some structural faults.
Numerical Investigation on Deformations and Stresses in Concrete Highway Pavements
In this paper, results of numerical simulations of the deformation behaviour of concrete highway pavements under hygral and thermal gradients are presented. It is shown that.high temperature gradients, which could be caused by a temperature shock may lead to thermal cracking at the surface of the concrete. Further shrinkage cracking...
Resurfacing the A6a Motorway Using Continuous Reinforced Concrete – August 1994
The section of the A6a motorway between Porte d'Orléans in Paris and the Wissous interchange (10 km to the sniith) wRr npened in April 1960 For 34 years, the carriageways of this motorway, which have had to stand "double TO" traffic (4000 heavy loads a day), and which consist of...
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements – from a Classical Conception to An Innovative Structure
Continuously Reinforced Concrete (CRC), invented in the United-States in 1921, has been developing in France since 1983, in the following contexts: - New constructions (50 km of motorway) The structures chosen are alternately: CRC + lean concrete CRC + bituminous concrete + stabilized capping layer - Strengthening of...
A Simplified Stress Evaluation Method Considering the Loss of Contact Pavement-Support
The concrete pavements, being subjected to thermal gradients, gravity and traffic loads, are itol in contact everywhere with their support. The traditional calculation methods use mathematical expressions developed assuming the slabs completely in contact with the support or expression not considering the presence of gravity load and thermal gradients with...
The Influence of Friction Between Layers on Surface Deflections of Rigid Composite Pavement Structures
The paper presents the influence of friction between layers on surface detlections of rigid composite pavement structures. Pavement structures were analysed using BISAR Programme and non- destructive testing technique under different bonding conditions between the asphalt and the concrete layers. The analysis of the data involves the use of hack-calculation...
Combined Mechanical and Thermal Loading on Plain and Steel Fibrez Reinforced Concrete Pavements
Plaiti aiid steel fibre reinforced concrete beams are subjected to solely thermal; solely mechanical and combined thermal and mechanical loads while the rotation of the beam-ends are prevented. The variables in the tests are type of load and combination of loads. In order to estimate the degree of restraint, some...
The Use of Nuclear Gauges on Concrete Roads Under Construction
To ensure the satisfactory performance of rigid pavements, it is necessary to control the air content of the concrete slabs. The aim is to maintain a prescribed quantity of cntraincd air in surface slabs to rcducc frost damage. Also, it is required to minimise the quantity of air, which results...
The Proposed European Standard for Concrete Pavements
This paper describes the present situation of the European Standards for Concrete Pavements. They are currently in prcparation by a Working Group created within the framework of Technical Committee CEN TC 227 "Road materials". Since many of the specifications for concrete and its constituents (cement, water, aggregates, admixtures) are covered...