The Warringah Freeway (FI) extending north from the Sydney Harbour Bridge was commissioned in 1968. It was the first major length of urban concrete freeway pavement in Australia. The pavement, including shoulders, is reinforced concrete with a total length equivalent to 42 km of a two-lane road. Built under a...
Naasra Guide To The Structural Design Of Road Pavements (May 1988)
The National Association of Australian State Road Authorities (NAASRA) has recently published the Guide to the Structural Design of Road Pavements which supersedes the Interim Guide to Pavement Thickness Design published in 1979. The new guide incorporates a mechanistic design procedure for flexible pavements that represents a quantum leap forward...
Concrete Roundabout Pavements (Nov 1987)
Roundabouts are being constructed to provide improved traffic facilities at a variety of intersections ranging from local collector/distributor roads to arterial roads and highways. They increase overall community amenity by reducing traffic speeds and accidents by limiting the number of conflict points the potential for collisions is reduced and...
Melbournes Concrete Tram Track Structures (Jun 1987)
The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Victoria (MTA) operates a fleet of about 685 electric passenger tramcars, over a street network of some 220 km of single track in Melbourne. The MTA also operates about 290 diesel buses, over a network of about 270street-km. Together, the two systems make more than...
King William Road Adelaide Australias Longest Interlocking Concrete Road Pavement (Dec 1986)
King William Road is 2.2 km long, commences about 2 km to the south of Adelaide's central business district and passes through the suburbs of Unley, Wayville, Goodwood, Hyde Park and Unley Park. The northern third passes through a mixed commercial / residential area, the central third through a shopping...
Rehabilitation Of Forestry Roads By Cement Stabilisation (Jul 1986)
In recent years there has been increasing usage of cement-stabilisation techniques to rehabilitate or re- cycle existing granular road pavements, providing a major service-lite extension for them at a cost much lower than that of reconstruction. This technique has now been successfully extended to include forestry roads. Following a successful...
150 Km Of Concrete Pavement On Three Major Roads (Dec 1985)
SinceJ982, activities under the Australian Bicentennial Road Development Program (ABRD), in conjunction with works under other Commonwealth and Stale funding arrangements have become highly visible in up- grading the Australian road system to a high standard. In New South Wales and elsewhere concrete roads in varying configurations up to six-lane,...
Three Local-Government Slipform Paving Projects (Dec 1984)
Until recently; the most common method of concrete pavement construction in Local-Government areas utilised steel or timber sideforms, and manually hauled vibrating screeds. This method continues to be ideal for many projects. Slipform road construction was introduced to Australia in 1979, but until 1983 its use was limited to major...
Tumblong Deviation Hume Highway Nsw (Dec 1983)
Tumblong Devia1ion, located approximately midway between Sydney and Melbourne, will provide 17 km of highstandard, dual carriageway highway linking the township of Tumblong and the intersection of the Hume Highway and 1he Snowy Mountains Highway. A significant illus1rat ion of activities within the Aus1ralian Bicentennial Road Development Programme funded by...
Concrete Road Paving Record In Queensland (Jul 1983)
During recent construction on a deviation of the Pacific Highway in South East Oueensland an Australian concrete road paving record of 1 km per day was established. The contractor, Seovic Holdings, using a Miller M9000 slipform paver and supported by the resources of Farley and Lewers (Old) Limited achieved a...
Sydneys Western Freeway (Mar 1983)
On 16th December 1982 the Hon. Neville Wran, Premier of New South Wales, opened two new sections of the F4 Western Freeway near Sydney. The comibined length of almost 9 km is made up of 5.8 km between Strathfield and Silverwater, and 3 km between Parramatta and Mays Hill Figure...
Slipformed Concrete Pavement For Pacific Highway Queensland (Nov 1982)
The Main Roads Department, Queensland recently awarded a contract for the construction of 3.25 km of two- lane concrete pavement on the Pacific Highway near Burleigh Heads. This project, which forms part of the programmed extension of the highway in the area skirting Queensland's Gold Coast Figure 1, will be...