In Western Europe the demand for a crack-free structure is not uncommon. Due to environmental reasons more and more (concrete) structures are built to prevent toxic liquids from leakage trough the structure to the subsoil and groundwater. These structures can be found for instance in the chemical industry, petrol stations,...
Considerations on Consistency Test and Properties of Porous Concrete for Pavement
The porous concrete surface and sub-base for pavements is required higher coefficient of permeability than 0.01cm/sec and higher bending strength than 3 or 4.5 N/mm2. In order to obtain workability and these qualities, suitable methods for testing consistency was investigated. It was possible to judge the consistency for quality control...
The Importance of High Range Water-Reducers in Concrete Quality
This paper is based on a research project, which has covered the importance of high range water-reducers (HRWR) on properties and consequently on quality of concrete. More precisely deals with the influence of six HRWR of an amount of twelve which were tested. They have been prepared concrete mixes with...
Factors Affecting the Formation of Air Voids in Road Concrete
A greatly increased air void content in the hardened concrete has been found in recent years in some contract sections of concrete pavement. Investigations were carried out at the Research Institute of the Cement Industry on road concretes in order to determine the reason for this excessively high content. The...
Surface Properties of Road Construction Concrete Produced with Portland-Composite Cements
High concrete pavement performance requires excellent concrete quality. One imp ortant factor guaranteeing this high quality is the proper selection of qualified cement. The use of blended cements is increasing more and more. Especially the market share of Portland composite cements (cement type CEM II according to EN 197-1) shows...
Laboratory Studies for a New Self-Compacting Bleeding Cementitious Material For Pavement Bedding
This paper presents a new generation of cementitious material devoted to pavement bedding layer construction and named MACES. This material contains a high volume of water in order to be very fluid and selfcompacting. It has also been designed in such a way that the free water in excess rapidly...
The High-Performance Concrete Carpet, a New Type of Concrete Course Layer
The paper gives an overview on an on-going R&D project carried out by LCPC (France). The aim is to develop a purely hydraulic road structure in accordance with modern infrastructure requirements, which may also be used to rehabilitate old rigid pavement. The High-Performance Concrete (HPC) carpet consists in building a...
Fine Filler and its Impact to a Cement Composite Life Cycle
Development of new types concrete technology caused an increasing of concrete mixture production with a high proportion of fine filler in recent years. Fine filler is used to ensure required concrete mixture rheology qualities, which are needed to the concrete mixture storage into boarding. There are several materials can be...
Protecting Concrete Surfaces Against Frost a Study of Sealing Products Used on Airfields
Concrete, which is susceptible to frost and thawing salts, is protected by adding an air-entraining admixture, which leads to air content levels of 3.5 to 6% being achieved. Another possible protection involves the application of a sealant which prevents water penetration. In this instance, resistance to scaling as a result...
Efficiency of Curing Compounds A New Test Method
A new, reproducible test method for curing compounds has been devised. This method is based on concrete made using 400 kg/m³ of cement and 0/8 granulates. Eight different curing compounds were tested. A linear relation was found between effectiveness after 7 days at 35°C and 40% RH and relative compressive...
The Belgian Certification System For Materials For Concrete Pavements in the Context of the European Community
The goal of the BENOR certification scheme was to guarantee the manufacturing of high quality concrete and the building of better concrete roads and accessories with a lower cost. This was achieved by establishing a certification scheme based on the will of all the actors involved in the building process,...
Porous Concrete/ Laboratory Versus Field Experience
Porous concrete is used as top layer on highway roads to obtain noise reducing and permeable pavements. An extensive laboratory investigation has been executed to obtain an optimum mixture composition for the use as top layer on highway roads. This comprises a good resistance against heavy traffic, no rooting and...