AUS-SPEC New website, Education Resources & Specifying Concrete Pavement for Local Government

AUS-SPEC is regularly invited to present papers at the IPWEA National and State Conferences on the AUS-SPEC document system for the life cycle management of…

Feedback sought for TfNSW draft test method T279

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Test Method Review Committee (TMRC) is currently revising T279 – Flow time and voids content of fine aggregate by flow cone.…

ASCP Awards For Technical Excellence — Call for Nominations

Australian Society for Concrete Pavements is hosting the inaugural Awards for Technical Excellence on the 1st March, 2022. The awards evening will be a combination…

Craig Heidrich (and HBM Group) appointed as Executive Director ASCP 1st Nov 2021

HBM Group, following 12 months of intensive discussions with the Australian Society for Concrete Pavements (ASCP) National Executive, was appointed to manage the Secretariat functions…

Kevin Abrams (1946 – 2021) A Tribute from Industry Colleagues and Friends

Vale Kevin Abrams Passed away 6 October 2021 - read by John Hodgkinson To Louise and all of Kevin’s family; the privilege that has been…

EUPAVE and ASCP – Memorandum of Understanding

On the 15th September 2021, EUPAVE, the European Concrete Paving Association and ASCP signed a Memorandum of Understanding  which seeks to “strengthen their relationship and…

David Dash (1943-2021) Honorary ASCP Member, Industry Legend

Vale David Dash. Passed away peacefully 7 August 2021. David was a brilliant and dedicated engineer whose impact on our industry is impossible to overstate.…

California Measures Long-Term Performance of Rapid Strength Concrete for Pavement Restoration

Results of a Southern California freeway survey that set out to determine the short-term and long-term performance of rapid strength concrete for the potential repair…

Benefits of concrete pavements by EUPAVE (2021)

Concrete pavements contribute to a reduction of fuel consumption, are 100% recyclable and do so much more. Watch all benefits of concrete pavements put forward…

ASCP Pavement Note 003 published

Pavement Note 003 "Low Noise Concrete Pavements: Smooth, Safe, Durable And Cost-Effective Texturing (LNDG)".  The Note presents a concise summary of the low noise benefits…

ASCP Pavement Note 002 published (in Spanish)

Pavement Note 002 "Sustainable Concrete Pavements: Reduced Environmental Impact Of Concrete Pavements" (Pavimentos De Hormigón Sostenibles: Reducido Impacto Ambiental De Los Pavimentos De Hormigón) is…

ASCP Achievements Report 2020

2020 was a challenging year for ASCP with significant downward pressure on training opportunities (typically 45% of revenue) and the inability to conduct our key…