ASCP Pavement Note 002 published (in Spanish)

Pavement Note 002 “Sustainable Concrete Pavements: Reduced Environmental Impact Of Concrete Pavements” (Pavimentos De Hormigón Sostenibles: Reducido Impacto Ambiental De Los Pavimentos De Hormigón) is now, thanks for translation by Anefhop, is now available in Spanish. The Note presents a concise summary of the sustainability benefits of concrete pavements. It concludes that…

“Los pavimentos de hormigón causan menor impacto ambiental que los pavimentos asfálticos. Esta nota resume los últimos hallazgos que comparan los aspectos de sostenibilidad de las dos principales opciones de pavimentos para tráfico pesado. A su vez, proporciona a los organismos y a los responsables de la toma de decisiones información para ayudar a cumplir los objetivos de sostenibilidad.

The document is supported by high quality references and graphics. The intended audience is decision makers, funders, engineers and highway technical staff.  Please pass this on to colleagues that would benefit from such a concise summary. of issues.

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