Recycling Cold-Milled Asphalt Concrete Materials as Cement Bounded Base

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The authors present a synthesis of the results obtained on 3 test sections where cold-milled bituminous concrete has been recycled for the reconstruction of the stabilized base for medium trafficked roads. The inert skeleton for the base was made from 85% (by weight) milled material and 15% sand, this in...

On the Use of Perious Cement Concrete for Wearing Courses and Its Efficiency Against the Noise Emitted by Heavy Trucks

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The experiment presented here has been carried out within the context of a partnership research contract signed between the Road Directorate (French Ministry of Civil Equipment) and the GTM Construction Company. The autors are thanking both partners, and the following organizations or companies, which contributed with equal success to the...

Computer Aided Design for Flexible Pavements of Concrete Bricks

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This paper describes computer aided design (CAD) software and methods employed for effective design of flexible pavements with concrete bricks. Pavements consisting of concrete bricks allow many different patterns to be used. An area which is to be paved with concrete bricks is divided into a number of subdomains which...

Revision of the Austrian Design Method for Standardised Concrete Pavements

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The Austrian specification for pavement design also contains standardised construction types for concrete roads. After more than 10 years of experience with the application of these standard pavement types the specification has been revised comprehensively with a special focus on the following objectives: - establishment of an improved method for...

A Geotechnical Methodology for Roller Compacted Concrete Mixture Design

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This paper presents a concise mix design process using a geotechnical approach to produce RCC mixtures for mass and structural applications. Laboratory compaction tests, using a Kango hammer, were performed on specimens with a predetermined combination of aggregates and cernentious materials, varying the amount of water. 1 he test results...

Spanish Experience in Concrete Pavements on Bridges

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There are more than one hundred and sixty bridges with concrete pavement in Spain. All of them are in motorways with heavy traffic but in very different thermal regions. Three types of bridge concrete pavements are used: monolithic, bonded and unbonded. This paper presents the Spanish experience in concrete pavements...

Applicability of Precast Concrete Pavements with Doweled Joint to Tunnel Road

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Applicability of precast concrete pavement (PRCP) with doweled joints to tunnel roads was investigated. The effects of subbase and dowel bars at transverse joints on the mechanistic behaviors of PRCP were examined. The thermal stresses in PRCP were also discussed. Fatigue and faulting analyses were conducted to compare the fatigue...

Abrasion Resistance of Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC)

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The scope of this work is the behaviour under abrasion of different concrete (RCC) made with limestone, schist and granite aggregates. Binder contents (cement and fly ash) ranging from 90 kg/rn 3 to 190 kg/rn3 were tested. Small concrete slabs 60x60x40 mm were cut from 150000 mm cylinders prepared according...

The Actuality & Prospect of RCCP in China

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The research on RCCP was launched in early 80' in China. The laboratory test started in 1981 followed by the first sectioii of field experimcnt road in 1982. And then extended resmrch was carried out in 1983 and 1984. A few years later in 1988, the research on Cement Concrete...

Continuously Reinforced Concrete Roadbases

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In the Netherlands Rijkswaterstaat is the authority in charge among others of the construction of highways. The department Utrecht of Rijkswaterstaat has chosen a continuously reinforced concrete roadbase for the construction of the 7 km long new highway scction between the cities of Bunnik and I Jtrecht. This choise was...

Concrete Requirements for Ultra-Thin Concrete (Whitetopping) for Flexible Pavements

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Whitetopping solutions for old flexible asphalt pavement overlays have been a challange for highway agencies and designers in the recent past years, with special regards to ultra-thin concrete overlays, also called by ultrathin whitetopping (UTW). Considering the needs of full bond between the UTW and the old asphalt concrete (AC)...

Performance of Thin Concrete Overlays in South South Africa

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Since 1970, several highways in South Africa were cujistructed in Portland cement concrete, the only design being used was the jointed unreinforced concrete pavements. Due to early deterioration as a result of alkali aggregate reaction, one section had to be overlayed In order to determine the last option, several experimental...