Due to severe freeze thaw salt damage to concrete pavements on military airfields in the Netherlands, the Agency for Infrastructure of the Netherlands Ministry of Defence (DGW&T) decided to prescribe ordinary Portland cement (CEM I 32.5R, coded as PC) with air entrainer. The ENCI (First Dutch Cement Industry) is of...
Research on Frost Damage of Concrete for Pavements with Ordinary Portland Cement and Portland Fly-Ash Cement
White Topping Assessment of Asphalt Concrete Interfaces
For the rehabilitation of rutted asphalt pavements white topping and ultra thin white topping turned out to be adequate methods. The force-fit bonding between asphalt and concrete is a pre-condition for the functioning and durability of this method. Little attention is paid on testing of the bonding; in the majority...
Concrete Pavement Without Dowel Bars
The joint system presented herein takes advantage of the natural development of shrinkage in concrete to induce the formation of joints along the projections of previously placed system devices. Such system induces in an in-situ concrete pavement an efficient interlocking indentation among the slab elements resulting from the shrinkage phenomenon....
Implementation Aspects of the Steenokkerzeel Bypass Road
Early in 2005 the Steenokkerzeel bypass road was opened for traffic. This road forms a type of ring road around Steenokkerzeel centre. This new road was linked to the centre via roundabouts in two places. The bypass road as well as both roundabouts were laid in continuously reinforced concrete, the...
Austrian Experience with Concrete Pavement Design and Construction of Highly Trafficked Roundabouts
Design and construction of road intersections in the form of roundabouts is getting more and more popular not only in urban areas but also on highly trafficked primary rural roads due to their high road safety potential. Well designed roundabouts show improved safety characteristics by reducing the number and, particularly,...
A High Performance Cementitious Surface Dressing for Long-Life Wearing Courses
A number of public road laboratories are working together in an OECD/ECMT project. The aim of this project is to evaluate two technical solutions for long-life wearing courses. It is intended that these would eliminate maintenance works for several decades after construction. One of which, called HPCM (High-Performance Cementitious Material)...
Concrete Pavements with Geotextile Interlayer in Germany Measurements and Long Term Behaviour
Since 2001 the design with an interlayer of geotextiles is a standard structure in the German pavement catalogue RStO 01. Geotextiles shall guarantee uniform, elastic support of the concrete slab, hence reducing stresses due to temperature and moisture gradient, reduce pumping processes and prevent an origination of reflection cracks from...
Mölltal Concrete Pavement 50 Years Under Traffic
The design period of pavements in Austria is in general defined with 20 to 30 years. According to the Austrian standards and guidelines for pavement design the design life for bituminous roads is 20 and for concrete roads is 30 years. Looking at existing roads, it can be recognized that...
New CRCP Designs in the UK
The paper presents the main findings of a 3-year project to develop new designs and specifications for continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP). The performance and design parameters investigated were surface cracking, the concrete strength, and the foundation. The effects of these parameters on the structural integrity and durability of CRCP...
Durability of Texture of Concrete Pavements
The durability of concrete pavement depends on its load bearing capacity and the performance properties of the surface texture during use. During wet weather conditions the textured surface should provide good tyre grip for safety reasons. In recent years increased focus has been placed on the noise emitted by road...
Working Mechanisms of Air-Entraining Agents
From some job sites it was reported that the air void content of the hardened road concrete was considerably higher than that of the fresh concrete. Initial investigations in the Research Institute with six air-entrainers based on synthetic and natural active agents showed that a substantial increase in air content...
Numerical Model of Airport Slab under Thermal Loading
The paper presents the analysis of the numerical model of airport slab and foundation under thermal loading. Various types of constrain (unilateral and bilateral) between slab and foundation have been taken into consideration. Numerical data has been compared with experimental results, concerning vertical displacements of airfield plate subjected to the...