Roller concrete has been adopted from dam-building technology, where it is used as a rapidly constructed and durable solid concrete. In road construction, roller compacted concrete is predominantly used in foundations, as a supporting layer. For surfacing or as a layer of surfacing. Some applications in Belgium are discussed. This...
Roller Compacted Concrete
Long-Term Behaviour of Concrete Pavements in Germany
Until about 1970 in general Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavements (JRCP) with expansion joints were in use in Germany. In 1965, the highway administration came to be convinced for the first time by theoretical investigations to construct a Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP) with short contraction joint spacing of 5 m...
Ultra Fast Track Concrete Paving Recent Belgian Research and Applications
In Belgium, most of the actual road works deal with rehabilitation, maintenance and repair. For the Road and Traffic Administrations, the limitation of the traffic disturbance is one of the major challenges. Thanks to the technique of rapidly hardening concrete, known as fast-track concrete paving, cement concrete pavements are repaired...
Economic Models as Basis For Investment Decisions
There is a trend to work with the influence of roads on the whole society. The quality level, and the initial investment cost, for pavements and road superstructures, should therefore be grounded on Life Cycle Cost analysis (LCC). LCC or Whole Life Costing (WLC), is described in a PIARC document...
Protecting Concrete Surfaces Against Frost a Study of Sealing Products Used on Airfields
Concrete, which is susceptible to frost and thawing salts, is protected by adding an air-entraining admixture, which leads to air content levels of 3.5 to 6% being achieved. Another possible protection involves the application of a sealant which prevents water penetration. In this instance, resistance to scaling as a result...
Effects of Finishing and Air-Entrainment on De-Icing Salt Scaling Resistance of Concrete Surfaces
The main difference between pavements and other elements made of concrete is the surface property. The surface in concrete pavement must be finished properly. It has been known for a long time that air-entrainment can be used against freezing and thawing deterioration of concrete pavement slabs. In the freeze-thaw attack,...
Use of Recycled Aggregates in Whitetopping with Addition of Automotive Tires Scraps
The paper presents the results of a study about the use of recycled tire and building materials in concrete for whitetopping on asphalt concrete paving. This report presents the results of laboratory experiments and field tests. These results were obtained with concretes using substitution ratios of 15% to 20% by...
Road Marking on Concrete Roads
On several of the concrete roads that were constructed in Sweden during the 1990s problems have been experienced in making the road marking compound adhere to the road surface. The problem would appear to be greatest during the first few years. In earlier studies, the problem was analysed by laboratory...
Experimental Sections of Ultra-Thin White Topping in Tournai
The technique of ultra-thin white topping, which has been used in the USA since the beginning of the 1990s, is characterised by a thickness of between 5 and 10 cm. They are characterised by a mesh of closely spaced joints in which the distance between the joints depends on the...
The State of the Art of in Situ Pavement Recycling with Cement in Spain
The state of the art of pavement recycling with cement in Spain is presented in this paper. The different reasons (technical, economical, and environmental) favouring this technique will be reported. Moreover, information will be provided on projects (traffic categories, material prescriptions and structural sections included in Spanish specifications), the construction...
Reporting ASR in US Airfield Runways
In the present study, alkali silica reactivity (ASR) in airfield runways (pavements) is reported based on investigation of two US airports. The study includes in-field detection of ASR distress features followed by detailed laboratory investigation of cores collected from strategic locations. This two-tire approach was found to be most effective...
Bituminous Pavement and Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) on a Motorway in Walloon Region (Belgium) Economical Comparative Study
and safety levels for very many years. The Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Facilities of the Walloon Region conducted a comparative study of the motorway in 2000 between a continuously reinforced concrete pavement and a bituminous pavement. Very many factors obviously come into play for an objective comparison and they...