This document describes the design and construction of the concrete whitetopping repair of a severely distressed pavement of a road section at a regional road intersection. In the past, repair of this road section with asphalt overlays repeatedly failed to withstand the severe shear loading to which the pavement is...
First Use of Whitetopping in Switzerland
Concrete Pavement of the Access Ramp Bridge of the Peza Truck Holding Area of the Bale-Weil Customs Facility, Switzerland
This document describes the design and construction of the concrete pavement for the relatively steep access ramp bridge of the PEZA truck holding area of the Bale-Weil customs facility. The pavement design takes into account the expected change in usage after 2008 as a motorway offramp and harbour access route....
The Way Ahead is Fibre-Reinforced
For several decades steel wire manufacturers produce steel fibres which can be mixed with concrete to improve its characteristics. FIBRICON® is a multi-fibre concrete a combination of concrete and three types of fibres. The fibre mix consists of drawn or rolled steel fibres with profiled end hooks or anchors....
Concrete Roads Constructed on the Lincent Land Reparcelling Site
The concrete road technique has been used for many years for the creation or improvement of roads in land reparcelling project areas. The designs used for these roads have had to develop for a variety of reasons: 1. Vehicles are becoming increasingly heavy. Semi-trailer rigs carry crops directly from the...
The European Standards on Materials for Concrete Pavements
CEN Technical Committee TC 227 is responsible for the European Standards dealing with road materials. As a part of its working programme, 33 standards have been prepared concerning materials for concrete pavements. Six of them deal with specifications for materials, functional properties of concrete pavements, dowels and joint sealants (hot...
De-Pollution Activity Assessment of Photocatalytic Cement-Based Materials from Laboratory to Real Scale Testing
Photocatalytic materials are discussed for various applications in building technology ranging from de-soiling to de-polluting applications. However most of the efficiency proofs are derived from indirect laboratory scale tests. Italcementi Group has developed a range of cement-based products based on the TX Active? concept demonstrating both photocatalytic activity and performances...
Laboratory Studies on Performance of Porous Concrete
The skid resistance of any surface is an important characteristic for the driving safety point of view. The rain affects the traffic security, because there are splash and sprays effects caused by the truck wheel. This fact contributes to the dynamic hydroplaning effect. In recent years many agencies researchs has...
Developments on the Modieslab Innovative Concrete Pavement Concept
Modieslab, a recently developed innovative and settlement-free precast concrete pavement structure, with a twin-layer porous concrete wearing course, was tested for its functional and structural properties on two full scale test pavements. Some functional properties, e.g. noise reduction, were very satisfying, however the resistance to raveling and especially the skid...
Heavily Reinforced Ultra Thin White Topping to Re-Strengthen Infrastructural Structures
Thin white toppings (TWT), as originally developed in the USA in 1918, are in majority placed as an overlay on deteriorated asphalt pavements. Usual thicknesses were 150 225 mm but since the last 30 years also ultra thin white toppings (UTWT) with thicknesses of 75 150 mm are...
Wheel Tracks, the Compromise Between Agricultural and Environmental Interests
In certain areas there is a need to surfacing sand roads due to agricultural developments: mechanisation and efficient management of farming activities are essential. Farmers must have direct access to the fields at all times without too many obstacles. However, attention must also be paid to various other aspects: environmental...
Functional Contracts in Bavaria
In 2004 the pavement of the Inntal-highway from the interchange Inntal to the border at Kieferfelden was reconstructed from km 11 to km 22 using a Functional Contract. For Functional Contracts the quality of the construction work is defined by the view of the road users. The expectations of the...
CRCP a Cost-Effective Long-Life Pavement Solution for Highways & Expressways
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement, CRCP is a concrete pavement that is reinforced with steel bars in the direction of traffic. CRCP is a durable pavement solution, advancement to plain concrete pavement. Reinforcement is used in CRCP, to tackle the problem of concrete slab cracking, instead of joints used in conventional...