
Progressive Composite Bridge Construction with Cement Concrete Pavement


The project deals with research on effective composite steel and concrete bridge structures, profiting from directly running cement concrete pavements. The aim is an innovative layout solution, technology of construction and maintenance and research of new formulas for concrete parts which will lead to lower collective costs of production and...

Accelerated Full Scale Test on Prefabricated Conrete Slab Pavement for Electrical Supply by Induction of Urban Transport Systems


Innovative solutions for transport infrastructure are needed to meet future mobility needs, especially in urban areas. Recently, Bombardier Transportation has developed a new system for supply by induction of electrical public transportation vehicles. It consists in integrating electrical supply cables in a prefabricated concrete slab implemented in the road. These...

In Situ Measurement of the Capillary Pressure in Concrete Road Construction


Concrete pavements are vulnerable to cracking already in the plastic material stage, i.e., before the concrete has reached a significant strength. Due to the evaporation of water at fresh concrete surfaces, a capillary pressure is built up in the pore system of the material. This underpressure leads to the so-called...

The Role of Quality Assurance in Delivering Long–Life Concrete Pavements


The fundamental goal behind any pavement design and construction project is to provide a system that will survive the predicted traffic and environment for the selected lifetime. Considerable effort is paid to the structural design of a pavement in order to reach that goal. On the other hand, the concrete...

Durable and Sustainable Concrete Pavements on Public Private Partnership Projects


Due to its central location in europe Germany is a typical transit country, where traffic load by heavy traffic increases anually. Highways are especially affected, with freight traffic not only increasing in number but also showing a trend of 5-axle vehicles with larger utilization of the allowed axle loads at...

The Vecu Process for Roadways Public Spaces and Urban Development Projects a New Approach for Consolidating the State of the Art


Urban roadways and public spaces are major fields of application for road concrete in France. Specialised contracting firms have gradually refined the finishes, skills and techniques to provide an extensive range of decorative concrete models. A collaborative process known as VECU (French acronym for roadways, public spaces and urban development...

Guidelines for Bus Stops in Concrete in the Netherlands


New legislation for improving accessibility to buses by people and especially disabled people led to the modification of bus platforms and particularly the kerbs at these platforms. Buses should be able to approach quite close to these platforms. This depends on the design of the bus stop area. The dimensions...

Uncertainty Management in Comparative Life-Cycle Assessment of Pavements


There is significant uncertainty and variation in the environmental life cycle assessment of pavements. Uncertainty and scenario variation should be sufficiently accounted in the comparative life cycle assessment in order to increase the confidence on decisions regarding the environmental implications of alternative pavement systems. In this paper we first present...

Concrete Roads in Poland the Case for Selling Non-Mainstream Infrastructure Technologies


The paper illustrates, on the grounds of Poland’s case, the concrete roads network development in a jurisdiction dominated by asphalt roads. The author reviews typical drawbacks apparent when promoting concrete roads, and identifies several most arresting phenomena that have led to the current technological stalemate. The goal of the paper...

Performance Engineered Mixtures for Concrete Pavements in the US


Many concrete pavement mixtures in the US are proportioned based on recipes that have been used before, or on prescriptive specifications. As budgets grow tighter and increasing attention is being paid to sustainability metrics, greater attention is beginning to be focused on making mixtures that are more efficient in their...

Quality and Optimal Grading of Sand for Optimal Performances of Concrete Pavements


The quality of sand influences in every way the quality of concrete and affects, among others, the workability, the durability as well as the mechanical strength of concrete. It is acknowledged that a sand of good quality to be used in concrete pavements must contain few fine grains and be...

The Influence of Sand Grading on the Air Void System


In this research the influence of sand grading on the air void system in mortar is determined. Three sand grading types are defined: sand “low”, sand “mean” and sand “high”. The difference is the amount of fines, < 250 ?m, (low, mean and high amount of fines) in the sand....