The construction of concrete agricultural roads continues to increase in Belgium; latest statistical data show that public autorities still rely on this type of pavement. A new design method was recently proposed and published by the Ministry for the Walloon Area; it is based on simple concepts and its application...
Determination of slab rocking at the joints of a cement concrete pavement
The amplitude of the deflection at the ends of the slabs at the transverse joints under the passage of a heavy load is an impo.tant c.iterion for assessing the effecciveness of the load transfe. at the joints and for the degree of deterioration of the carriageway. The technique applied at...
Construction of concrete noise protection barriers
The finalizing of the Federal German-law relating to pollution and nuisance control (Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz) in April 1974 was an important step in the implementation of active noise control measures. The "Guidelines for traffic noise control on Federal interregional highways" published by the Federal German Minister of Transport in August 1983 establishes...
Development of the technological concept for roadbases made of hydraulic bound granular materials in the Federal Republic of Germany
A number of research projects relating to the cementbound sub-base (CBSB) are currently in progress in the Federal Republic of Germany. Their object is to develop an optimized technological approach with a view to further improvement and even greater economy in the use of this well proven form of construction....
Strengthening with concrete on the Nationale 6 in the Yonne County
For the "Nationale 6" thickening between Auxerre and Cravant, the concrete pavement solution, in competition with traditional techniques, is particularly interesting on the economic point of view and held the Head District Equipment attention in agreement with the French Road Management. The strenghening technique consisted in implementing by 4 m...
Joint design for concrete pavement on cement stabilized base at Zürich airport
On the concrete pavements of the runways 14 - 32 and 16 - 34, built in 1975 and 1976, cracks developed along the tongue-and-groove longitudinal joints. Investigations into the service conditions of the joints showed that they were overstressed unde r extreme loads and that damage to them could be...
Non-destructive testing of motorway concrete pavements
The standard of serviceability of road pavements can be expressed in terms of safety for the user (skidding res is tance, riding quali ty). For highway managers a standard of structural serviceability is essential for optimizing the initial constructional expenditure and for predicting ~he time schedule for maintenance, strengthening or...
State of the art of concrete safety barriers
In 1976 the ~ew Jerey concrete safety barrier and the experience gained internationally with it was for the first time brought to the attention of interested persons in highway authorities, research and industry in the Federal Republic of Germany. Four years later, the first pilot projects were implemeneed in this...
Experiences with sand-cement stabilization in road construction
At Hamburg, sand-cement stabilization (SCS) conseructed by the central-mixed (stationary plant) method is successfully used for frose-protection courses. The requirements applicable to these courses, which as a rule are 15 em thick, are based on those for cementbound sub-bases as laid down in the TVT regulations: degree of compaction ~98%,...
New concrete curing compounds and their application to road construction in Austria
The curing compounds hitherto employed have not always been found satisfactory when applied to road concrete with superplasticizer, to concrete on small jobs, to concrete placed by slipforming and to cement-boundsurfacings. For this reason three new types of curing compound have been introduced, namely, compounds which - give good protection...
A continuously reinforced concrete pavement (0.35 m thick) for the steel mill Sidmar in Belgium
The project consists of the construction of a continuously reinforced steel slag concrete pavement (0.35 m thick) on a base course of slag sand-bound granular material (0.85 m thick). The road (area 8,000 m2, width 10 and 17 m) has to lenable the transportation of hot (800 0 C) steel...
Slab behaviour of plain undoweled concrete pavements
The behaviour of plain concrete slabs, belonging to pavements with no dowels through transversal Jo~nts, is described. The slab behaviour is observed by means of field instrumentation, measuring absolute deflections produced by environment variations (temperature and moisture), by support rigidity variations and by a controled axle load. Deformations are measured...