
Fiber-Reinforced Roller-Compacted Cement Concrete (Rollfiber) for Continuous Concrete Pavements


The ROLLFIBER process consists of roller-compacted cement concrete reinforced with steel fibers. It enables you to build continuous pavements without any joints. To reach this level of performance, the fiber has to have what is known as total' anchorage, and its action is optimized by the use of a concrete...

Use of Roller Compacted Concrete in Road and Airport Pavement Construction in Sri Lanka


In the quest for introducing materials and techniques of construction, the Research & Development Division of the Road Development Authority, Sri Lanka has carried out several trials and successfully constructed an airport apron, a causeway of 2km length using Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) pavements and a road of length 0.265km....

The Actuality & Prospect of RCCP in China


The research on RCCP was launched in early 80' in China. The laboratory test started in 1981 followed by the first sectioii of field experimcnt road in 1982. And then extended resmrch was carried out in 1983 and 1984. A few years later in 1988, the research on Cement Concrete...

Judgment of Compaction Degree of Rccp by Using Acceleration Waves on Vibrating Roller and Influence of Subgrade Bearing Capacity on It


The acceleration wave of the vibrating compactor under work is disturbed from the sine wave. In this research, the disturbance of acceleration wave was defined as degree of disturbance WD, the relation between compacting time, hearing capacity of ground, consistency of concrete, compaction degree of concrete, strength of concrete and...

Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in the Basque Country


This paper presents the main features of roller compacted concrete (RCC) pavements for low-volume roads constructed in the Spanish Basque Country since 1992. RCC is produced in ready-mixed concrete plants and placed by local asphalt contractors. Due to the small thicknesses (15-18 cm) of these works, RCC layers can be...

The Influence of Composition and Compaction on the Properties of Roller Compactcd Concrete


In many countries rullw cumpactod concrete (RCC) proved to be a success as a construction method for highly stressed industrial floors, for concrete pavements, subbases for concrete pavements and asphalt surfaces. Since 1993 the Research, Development and Consulting Department of tho Heidelberger Zement AG is attended with a research project...

A New Mix Design Methodology for Roller Compacted Concrete, with Case Studies


A new mix design methodology for roller compacted concrete (RCC) is described that involves preparing low and high density specimens at various (typically three) cement contents. For each specimen density is determined. Strengths (compressive and/or split tensile) are measured at various intervals (e.g., 1, 4, 7 and 28 days). Multiple...

Effects of Classified Fly Ash on Improving the Compactability of Roller Compacted Concrete for Pavements


Roller compacted concrete (RCC) pavements are expected to be an economic and rational concrete pvPmAnt system that will become increasingly popular in Japan. The maximum thickness of a RCC slab completed in one layer is limited to 25 cm because of limitations in the compactability of the concrete and the...

Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements for Port Yards


Roller compacted concrete pavements (RCCP) are favourable for port yards. To develop the design, both the bearing capai-ity and the load transfer efficiency at the joints were studied. An experimental pavement with two different RCCP structures was built: namely, one that follows the ordinary design method for port yards consisting...

Performance of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in Spain


Roller compacted concrete (RCC) began to be used in Spain in 1984 on roads bearing heavy and medium traffic. Up to now more than 250 km of RCC pavements have been constructed. A significant portion is subjected to the combined effect of heavy traffic and servere temperature gradients. Joints are...

Experimental Study on the Correlation between the Mix Factor and the Compactability of Concrete for Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements


This study was carried out to examine the correlation between roller compacted pavement concrete mixes and the compactability with surface vibrator. Two factors are significant for the consistency of the concrete: the sand/cement ratio of the mortar component by weight and the coarse aggregate/ mortar ratio by volume. The most...

Development of a Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement Reinforced with Continuous Steel Bars


A roller compacted concrete pavement (RCCP) reinforced with continuous steel bars was recently developed at the New Tokyo International Airport. The construction is fast and the effectiveness of load transfer at cracked sections of the continuously reinforced concrete pavement is high. This RCCP was built in two layers. Steel bars...