Many concrete pavement mixtures in the US are proportioned based on recipes that have been used before, or on prescriptive specifications. As budgets grow tighter and increasing attention is being paid to sustainability metrics, greater attention is beginning to be focused on making mixtures that are more efficient in their...
Performance Engineered Mixtures for Concrete Pavements in the US
Effect of Nonuniform Foundation Support on Concrete Slab Responses
The ability to spatially map the stiffness of the foundation layers under concrete pavements with intelligent compaction has created a need to define limits on the allowable stiffness variations in a given construction area as well as the maximum size of a non-complaint area which does not require remedial action....
Performance of Pervious Concrete Pavement in Freeze-Thaw Conditions and With Winter Maintenance [No Fines Concrete]
In 2007 the Cement Association of Canada, industry members and the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology at the University of Waterloo partnered to carry out a study to evaluate the behaviour of pervious concrete pavement in the Canadian climate. Field sites have been constructed and monitored and laboratory testing...
Evolution of Pervious Concrete Pavement at the Ministry of Transportation Ontario, Canada [No Fines Concrete]
As part of the Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) drive to pursue innovation and have the “greenest” roads in North America, MTO is actively pursuing the use of pervious concrete pavement. Pervious concrete provides many environmental benefits and is recognized as a stormwater management best practice. There is also strong...
Mix Design Method and Void Performance of Concrete for Pervious Concrete Pavement [No Fines Concrete]
Pervious concrete pavement is drawing increasing attention for its high content of interconnected voids which is expected to reduce the environmental impact as concrete is often counted as a causal factor of the urban heat island phenomenon. Performance of pervious concrete can be measured by water permeability, water retentivity and...
De-Pollution Activity Assessment of Photocatalytic Cement-Based Materials from Laboratory to Real Scale Testing
Photocatalytic materials are discussed for various applications in building technology ranging from de-soiling to de-polluting applications. However most of the efficiency proofs are derived from indirect laboratory scale tests. Italcementi Group has developed a range of cement-based products based on the TX Active? concept demonstrating both photocatalytic activity and performances...
Concrete Pavements with Geotextile Interlayer in Germany Measurements and Long Term Behaviour
Since 2001 the design with an interlayer of geotextiles is a standard structure in the German pavement catalogue RStO 01. Geotextiles shall guarantee uniform, elastic support of the concrete slab, hence reducing stresses due to temperature and moisture gradient, reduce pumping processes and prevent an origination of reflection cracks from...
Measurement and Effect of Dowel Bars Alignment in Concrete Pavements
The precision and applicability of two non-destructive measuring methods for dowel bars alignment: Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and the Pulse Induction method (PI). was investigated. The project was sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung BMVBS). The...
First Use of Whitetopping in Switzerland
This document describes the design and construction of the concrete whitetopping repair of a severely distressed pavement of a road section at a regional road intersection. In the past, repair of this road section with asphalt overlays repeatedly failed to withstand the severe shear loading to which the pavement is...
White Topping Assessment of Asphalt Concrete Interfaces
For the rehabilitation of rutted asphalt pavements white topping and ultra thin white topping turned out to be adequate methods. The force-fit bonding between asphalt and concrete is a pre-condition for the functioning and durability of this method. Little attention is paid on testing of the bonding; in the majority...
New Innovative Road Construction Method Whitetopping a Quick Way to Resolve Rutting
Road traffic in Germany is increasing steadily year after year and recent forecasts have predicted that it will continue to do so. At the same time, neither the German central government, the federal states nor the towns and cities have the funds required for new infrastructure projects and urgently needed...
Concrete Pavement Without Dowel Bars
The joint system presented herein takes advantage of the natural development of shrinkage in concrete to induce the formation of joints along the projections of previously placed system devices. Such system induces in an in-situ concrete pavement an efficient interlocking indentation among the slab elements resulting from the shrinkage phenomenon....