
Flexural Strength of High Performance Concrete


High strength concrete (HSC) having a flexural strength considerably higher than that of ordinary pavement concrete would be a suitable material - to replace only a single lane of concrete pavement deteriorated by heavy duty traffic (see Fig. 1) or - for constructing new pavement for high load with limited...

Hydraulic Concrete Roadways on the Autopista Del Mediterraneo Appraisal and Management


This paper addresses the appraisal and management procedure used for more than 20 years by a toll motorway concessionaire, covering a total of 300 kilometres of concrete dual carriageway built between 1970 and 1985. The system of analysis, surveys and experiments carried out during this period was based on auscultations...

Performance of Thin Concrete Overlays in South South Africa


Since 1970, several highways in South Africa were cujistructed in Portland cement concrete, the only design being used was the jointed unreinforced concrete pavements. Due to early deterioration as a result of alkali aggregate reaction, one section had to be overlayed In order to determine the last option, several experimental...

High-Quality Concrete with Recycled Aggregates


New laboratory and field investigations showed that it is possible to achieve durable concrete by using recycled aggregate above 4 mm from old pavements with cracks but no frost- or concrete structure deterioration. The concrete compressive and tensile strengths were slightly higher and the cracking sensitivity was slightly lower for...

Computer Aided Design for Flexible Pavements of Concrete Bricks


This paper describes computer aided design (CAD) software and methods employed for effective design of flexible pavements with concrete bricks. Pavements consisting of concrete bricks allow many different patterns to be used. An area which is to be paved with concrete bricks is divided into a number of subdomains which...

Pavement Design Procedures for New Construction and Rehabilitation with Overlay


The first part of the paper deals with the designing of rigid pavements by means of FEM. The NE10-SOILIN program uses the NE-10 finite elements composed of subelement 2D NE-10-M (tetragonal element), subelement 3D NE-I013RJCK and subsoil element. It models the Midlins slab placed on a generally multilayer structure. Under...

The State of Temperature and Shrinkage Stress in CRCP in Curve Areas


In the literature of speciality there are studies about the calculus and behavior of continuously reinforced concrete pavements for alignment areas. In our paper we present some aspects of temperature variation and shrinkage stress in curve areas, taking also into account friction, which is determined experimentally in the laboratory. The...

Influence of Temperature During Curing on Stresses in Concrete Pavements


In concrete pavement placed during hot weather unfavourable Lelilpelatuies Lall causc high stresses and therefore the formation of cracks. In pavements which are placed in the morning of a hot summer day, after a few hours very high temperatures at the surface and still low temperatures at the bottom of...

The Monselice Experimental Road a Performance Analysis After 5 Years Service


The continuously reitifoteed concrete road executed in Monselice (Padua, Italy) is mainly devoted to heavy traffic. During construction works, the road had been fitted with suitably devised equipment to monitor the operating performance over a sufficiently long time period. The present paper is aimed at gathering significant data recorded in...

Whitetoppings – Long Term Performance and Recommendations


Field tests have been carried out with thin, high strength concrete overlays (whitetoppings) placed on top of the milled asphalt pavement The aim is to find methods to restore rutted asphalt pavements and iliclease their rutting resistance. The whitetopping was limited to 70 mm. Both plain and steel fibre reinforced...

High Performance Porous Concrete for Heavy Traffic Ring Road of Segovia Town


The properties of High performance Porous Concrete (HPPC) paving may be described as a midpoint between flexible and rigid paving. The result of many years of research, especially as regards the materials used, we suggest this is an ideal solution to the problems currently experienced with pavements of a porous...

Concrete Road Design a Special Urban Solution


Theme: in 1994 a rigid pavement solution was implemented on the underpass of the National Road n° 107 crossing the National Road nu 12, in the ambit of the remodelling project of the concerning cross-road roundabout, situated in the periphery of the city of Porto, involving only one extension of...