In concrete pavement placed during hot weather unfavourable Lelilpelatuies Lall causc high stresses and therefore the formation of cracks. In pavements which are placed in the morning of a hot summer day, after a few hours very high temperatures at the surface and still low temperatures at the bottom of...
Influence of Temperature During Curing on Stresses in Concrete Pavements
The Monselice Experimental Road a Performance Analysis After 5 Years Service
The continuously reitifoteed concrete road executed in Monselice (Padua, Italy) is mainly devoted to heavy traffic. During construction works, the road had been fitted with suitably devised equipment to monitor the operating performance over a sufficiently long time period. The present paper is aimed at gathering significant data recorded in...
Whitetoppings – Long Term Performance and Recommendations
Field tests have been carried out with thin, high strength concrete overlays (whitetoppings) placed on top of the milled asphalt pavement The aim is to find methods to restore rutted asphalt pavements and iliclease their rutting resistance. The whitetopping was limited to 70 mm. Both plain and steel fibre reinforced...
High Performance Porous Concrete for Heavy Traffic Ring Road of Segovia Town
The properties of High performance Porous Concrete (HPPC) paving may be described as a midpoint between flexible and rigid paving. The result of many years of research, especially as regards the materials used, we suggest this is an ideal solution to the problems currently experienced with pavements of a porous...
Concrete Road Design a Special Urban Solution
Theme: in 1994 a rigid pavement solution was implemented on the underpass of the National Road n° 107 crossing the National Road nu 12, in the ambit of the remodelling project of the concerning cross-road roundabout, situated in the periphery of the city of Porto, involving only one extension of...
Experimental and Numerical Study of Behaviour of Concrete Pavements
The numerical methods are a fundamental tool in the analysis of concrete pavements. However, the numerical methods need experimental data in order to calibrate the model parameters. This means that only the use of both techniques, experimental and numerical, allows an efficient simulation of the behaviour of pavements. Therefore, a...
Effect of Geotextile to Improve the Weak Subgrade Soil
The concept of reinforcing pavements and of reinforced earth for improving the bearing capacity of insitu soils both under static and dynamic loading has gained popularity in receriL The word geotextile is now accepted by all civil Engineers to describe the textile used for improving the behavioural (structural) and functional...
Modification of Cement Stiffening Time
The stiffening time of cement is a feature whose potential can be better exploited at function of each specific use of concrete. The possibility of control of this feature is useful, as much to get a better concrete performance at function of the each work peculiarities, as to correct behaviour...
Evaluation on Serviceability and Durability of Concrete Pavement in Japanese Expressways
Pavement in Japanese Expressways consists of 90% of asphalt pavement and 10% of concrete pavement. The concrete pavement is generally planned to construct because of its high durability and less maintenance cost. The concrete pavement in Tohoku Expressway has been about 20 years in service since its construction. Therefore, including...
New Composite Cement for High Early Strength Concrete
Even small repairs on roads and runways are time consuming and lead to long time obstructions. Normal cement type mortars and concretes do exhibit iallier long hardening times and are therefore, not suitable for fast track repair. Non cementitious repair materials like resin types have other disadvantages as being only...
On the Use of Perious Cement Concrete for Wearing Courses and Its Efficiency Against the Noise Emitted by Heavy Trucks
The experiment presented here has been carried out within the context of a partnership research contract signed between the Road Directorate (French Ministry of Civil Equipment) and the GTM Construction Company. The autors are thanking both partners, and the following organizations or companies, which contributed with equal success to the...
Eco-Concrete Block Paving
Eco-concrete block paving is considered to be a significant innovation for environmentally beneficial pavements in residential areas. The objective is to infiltrate rainwater on the spot. The use of permeable concrete block paving is restricted by its bearing capacity and the existing soil. The paper deals with fundamental rules, design...