
High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete for Concrete Pavements


This paper presents the data on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete made with replacement of the Portland cement by fly ash, from a thermal power plant in Turkey, up to large volumes (55%). The investigated parameters are water requirement for a given slump, air content, setting time of...

How Does the Micro and Macrotexture of Cement Concrete Pavement Affect the Skid Resistance of Road


The fast development of car technology has caused a steady increase in the speed of vehicles and increasingly higher demands on braking and traction. International studies show that every increase in average speed causes increase in personal injury accidents. Yet the present transport infrastructure in general and cement concrete pavement...

Inlay in Continuous Reinforced Concrete on the A10 Brussels – Oostende at Ternat


Between September and November 2002, an inlay in continuous reinforced concrete was constructed on the A10 motorway between Groot-Bijgaarden and Ternat. The main components of the section of road are concrete slabs that are overlaid with asphalt surfacing. The work was performed in the shortest possible period, during which the...

Dowels in Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements


The general type of concrete structures on German highways is the Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP). Contraction joints are saw-cut with a standard spacing of 5,0 m perpendicular to road axis and sealed by a bitumen based or elastomeric joint filler. International experiences indicated clearly that faulting at undowelled transverse...

The Use of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Overlays in Motorway Maintenance (A Case Study)


How do you undertake the repair of a jointed concrete carriageway on one of the busiest motorways in Europe, particularly when a large proportion of the joints have failed and the slabs are floating on a sea of Gault Clay. With differential settlements so severe that there was genuine concern...

Types of Reinforced Concrete Railway Infrastructures and Essentials of their Computations


Reinforced concrete railway superstructure type (non-ballasted) is becoming more widespread and important in the world, similarly in Turkey. This type can be used both in all of the light rail systems of urban transport and also the high speed rail systems of intercity transport. Although its construction cost is higher,...

The Belgian Certification System For Materials For Concrete Pavements in the Context of the European Community


The goal of the BENOR certification scheme was to guarantee the manufacturing of high quality concrete and the building of better concrete roads and accessories with a lower cost. This was achieved by establishing a certification scheme based on the will of all the actors involved in the building process,...

Indirect Determination of Split Strength and Abrasion Resistance of Concrete Paving Blocks as a Function of Dry Bulk Specific Gravity and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity


Artificial paving blocks made with portland cement concrete are widespread in many countries. These paving blocks come in various designs such as Interlocking and Italian Flower, and they are produced in special machinery out of rather high quality concrete having about 50 MPa compressive strength. The reason for the concrete...

Nondestructive Testing of Concrete Permeability


In this article a research program on performance-based durability design of concrete highway structures conducted at Wayne State University is presented. The relation between concrete durability and its soundness (freedom from cracking) is described. A measure of concrete soundness based on ultrasonic pulse velocity developed during this research that incorporates...

Accelelated Loading Test of Porous Cement Concrete Pavement to Evaluate Durability and Permeability


This paper presents results of study on evaluating durability and permeability of porous cement concrete pavement by accelerated loading test at PWRI pavement test track. The following procedure was conducted to evaluate the durability and permeability of porous cement concrete pavement. Three test sections were constructed in 1997. These sections...

Roller Compacted Concrete


Roller concrete has been adopted from dam-building technology, where it is used as a rapidly constructed and durable solid concrete. In road construction, roller compacted concrete is predominantly used in foundations, as a supporting layer. For surfacing or as a layer of surfacing. Some applications in Belgium are discussed. This...

Long-Term Behaviour of Concrete Pavements in Germany


Until about 1970 in general Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavements (JRCP) with expansion joints were in use in Germany. In 1965, the highway administration came to be convinced for the first time by theoretical investigations to construct a Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP) with short contraction joint spacing of 5 m...