
Low Noise Diamond Grinding Pacific Highway Trial

Conf-paper-2019, Ascp-conference-presentation

A Low Noise Diamond Grinding (LNDG) Trial was conducted across three sites on the Pacific Highway Upgrade, Nambucca Heads to Urunga section. This presentation outline the basics around LNDG, criteria for the trial, environmental considerations, analysis of results of the trial, summary of the outcomes, considerations and recommendations for future...

Developments in Rapid Set Lean Concrete Subbase

Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

The technology and practice for single shift high strength concrete base replacement, mainly at night, using rapid set concrete has been established in Australia for ten years. Since 2017 this technology has now been adapted and extended to developing a rapid set lean concrete and related registered mixes. This has...

Characterization of joint sealants through an innovative test procedure


Joint sealants are indispensable components of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements (JPCP), the standard construction method in Germany. The joint filling system is subjected to various loads during their service life, which in practice lead to a regular renewal of the sealing after about 7 -10 years. Nevertheless, it must be...

Use of glass fibre reinforced polymer bars in concrete pavements

Conf-paper-2019, Conference-paper-ascp

The use of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars as an alternative to steel reinforcement has considerably increased over the past decade. Design-related information is now available and can be adapted into the Australian design and construction practice. The results of technological research and field implementation in concrete pavements carried...

Construction – The Devil’s in the Detailed Design

Conf-paper-2019, Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

Rigid pavement RFIs (request for information) and NCRs (nonconformance report) are an ongoing battle between contractors and designers. This is the frontline of construction phase services (CPS) and when not managed correctly, can lead to tension between contractors and designers, which can lead to breakdown of communications and affect construction...

Neoprene Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements

Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

Australian concrete pavements are relatively unique in the world with the majority consisting of unreinforced jointed plain concrete. Joints are sealed to prevent ingress of incompressible particles that can cause premature failure. Over the past decade one of the most substantial short-term maintenance costs for plain concrete pavements has been...

Recent Advances and Uses of Roller Compacted Concrete for Pavement Construction in the United States

Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a no slump concrete that is placed by an asphalt paver and compacted with vibratory rollers similar to asphalt pavement construction. RCC has long history of good performance as a pavement for ports, container yards, and manufacturing plants. This paper will summarize a recent survey...

More Durable & Thinner Steel Fibre Concrete Pavements


Steel fibre reinforced concrete has been widely used for pavement construction. The conventional pavement design methodology and that of adopted by the Australian pavement design guidelines are generally based on elastic theory. The addition of steel fibres to concrete enhances the post crack tensile strength and provides significant ductility. Consequently,...

Detailed Concrete Pavement Base Thickness Design is a Non-event


Road Authorities commonly require detailed 40 year design traffic loading (DTL) estimates and concrete pavement thickness design calculations. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention and to demonstrate that detailed concrete pavement design in accordance with the Austroads Pavement Design Guide and RMS Supplement can be a time...

Fracturing Concrete Pavement Technology

Conference-paper-ascp, Ascp-conference-presentation

There are a large number of concrete pavements in Australia, with many dating back to the first half of the 20th century. These concrete pavements are still in use today, and since the time these pavements were constructed, we have seen an evolution in traffic volumes and the size of...

Northern Connector, South Australia’s Political Journey


The concrete paving of the North-South Corridor, Norther Connector in South Australia was as much a political challenge as it was a logistical and technical one. George Panagopoulos, DPTI Project Manager, outlines the unique political journey to achieving the Project's successful inception and completion.

Northern Connector – The paving journey for the first concrete pavement in Adelaide

Conf-paper-2019, Conference-paper-ascp

During the Northern Connector tender, concrete pavements was discussed early as an option. Our concrete pavement solution became Lendlease’s primary submission with flexible pavement as an alternative as it provided increased local content and introduced new skills for the region. Following contract award, immediate planning for detailed jointing design, raw...