The morning sessions saw Peter Carson (Carson Group) deliver a Holbrook Case Study on Concrete Overlay Performance , followed by Mohammed Ibrahim Mostazid (UNSW) walking us through Developing Accelerated Tests Criteria for Assessing Geopolymer Concrete Durability. After morning tea, Frank Grech (Kaysand) presented ‘Engineering the best sustainable concrete sand". Next,...
ASCP Forum Series (F2F) Tuesday 17th of September 2024 : Presentations and Recording
Importance Of Materials And Construction Quality For CRCP Performance : Moon Won
Moon Won gained his BSCE from Seoul National University, MS and Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. He began his career at the Texas Department of Transportation, where he worked on roadway design, concrete materials and pavement for over 14 years. He was the Director of the Concrete...
ASCP Forum (Online) – Tunnels Pavements, Concrete Supply, Procurement – Tuesday 12 April 2022
Tunnels allow rapid and unobstructed transport facilities in big congested cities. Think the recent NorthConnex! Whilst considered an expensive solution, tunnels provide a protected system for the pavement, thus tunnels reduce the maintenance cost of the system, but there are wider considerations in the design, detailing, materials selection and construction...
Crcp (Apr 1980)
A continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) is structurally stronger than a conventional reinforced concrete pavement and requires no transverse contraction joints, thus ensuring lower maintenance costs and excel lent riding qualities. Since June 1976 the Department] of Main Roads, NSW has completed three continuously reinforced concrete pavements, one in a...
Sydneys Western Freeway (Mar 1983)
On 16th December 1982 the Hon. Neville Wran, Premier of New South Wales, opened two new sections of the F4 Western Freeway near Sydney. The comibined length of almost 9 km is made up of 5.8 km between Strathfield and Silverwater, and 3 km between Parramatta and Mays Hill Figure...
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements (Mar 1992)
Continuously reinforced concrete (CRC) pavements have the feature that the longitudinal reinforcement is continuous for the entire length of the pavement. Other than end-of day construction joints there are no transverse joints in CRC pavements. By balancing concrete properties, thickness and the amount of reinforcement, fine transverse cracks are developed...
ASCP Forum – Pavement Maintenance and Upgrades, Annual General Meeting, Occasional Speaker, Inaugural Industry Awards Evening
With an eye to future rehabilitation solutions, John Hodgkinson re-visited a CRCP overlay constructed on the Hume Highway, just north of Holbrook, in 1992. A significant milestone was reached in June 2021 as the first BCSA Rapid Set Concrete slab celebrated its 10th Birthday in Australia at Sydney International Airport. Since this...
Active Crack Control for Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements (CRCP) In Belgium Through Partial Surface Notches
Recent field observations on several newly constructed Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements (CRCP) in Belgium have indicated that the crack pattern is characterized as low mean crack spacing (approximately 1.0 m after 2 years in-service) along with a high percentage of clusters of closely spaced cracks. Besides, field surveys also indicate...
ASCP Forum (Online) – Specification Updates, Are You Trusted?, New Exec Director, Open Mic
Concrete is used throughout the World every day in countless diverse applications but it is critically important in terms of performance and durability to understand why the mix design and placement need to be appropriately tailored to suit each application. The inimitable Geoff Ayton will explore what it takes to...
CRCP for Rural and Urban Applications
Presentation only
Impact of GGBFS Cement on the Interfacial Transition Zone and Influences on Flexural Strength of CRCP Concrete
With an increased focus on sustainability of concrete in commercial and infrastructure projects, the use of alternative cementitious sources is increasing. At the same time the availability of flyash in Eastern Australia is becoming less certain and secure in terms of both quality and future quantity. Transport for NSW specification...
Investigation of Crack Width Development in CRCP
The traffic volume on German motorways increased steadily and this trend is expected to continue in the future. To guarantee mobility in the future and reduce the national economic consequential costs, road construction with a maximum service life and a minimum of necessary maintenance are needed. Rigid road pavements with...