In this article a research program on performance-based durability design of concrete highway structures conducted at Wayne State University is presented. The relation between concrete durability and its soundness (freedom from cracking) is described. A measure of concrete soundness based on ultrasonic pulse velocity developed during this research that incorporates...
High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete for Concrete Pavements
This paper presents the data on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete made with replacement of the Portland cement by fly ash, from a thermal power plant in Turkey, up to large volumes (55%). The investigated parameters are water requirement for a given slump, air content, setting time of...
Use of Taguchi Optimization Technique in Pavement Concrete Mix Design
In a concrete mix design, there are many mix variables affecting the concrete performance. If all the mix variables are taken into account, it may be necessary to use the full factorial design of experiment to obtain the concrete in the desired mechanical properties. It means more need of material,...
Geotechnical Properties of Cement Stabilized Class-F Fly Ash
The geotechnical properties of cement added class-F fly ash have been investigated to assess the potential utilization of stabilized fly ash as embankment material. The engineering properties of the cement stabilized class-F fly ash studied include the compaction, strength characteristics and the durability as measured by wetting and drying tests....
The Effect of Moist Curing on the Properties of Concretes Made by Pozzolanic Cements
The strength development and permeability properties of two concretes prepared with natural pozzolanic cements, Trass Cement (TC) and Blended Cement (BC), were investigated and compared with those of an Ordinary Portland Cement (PC) concrete under varying water-curing periods. The mix design of concretes was made with an equal strength base...
Effects of Slags Produced in Turkey on Chloride Penetration of Concrete
In this study, effects of slags widely used as mineral admixture in concrete industry on chloride penetration of concrete were investigated. Three different slags were used as replacement of cement (PC42.5) by weight of 25%, 50%, 75%. Setting test , determination of specific gravity, determination of specific surface were carried...
SFRCS for Concrete Roads in Heavily Trafficked Situations
The concrete slab is the main structural component of the road. It transmits loads to the sub-base. SFRCs (Steel fiber reinforced concretes) can be used in the road-base as a structural part of the road. Steel fibers allow greater joint spacing in road construction; they have a significant positive effect...
The Use of Statistical Experimental Design to Investigate the Autoclave Curing and Standard Curing of Cement
28 day compressive strength of Portland cement mortar was investigated for standard curing and for autoclave curing. The effects of %C3S, %SO3 and Blaine on strength development in both curing methods are compared via the use of statistical experimental design techniques. Box-Behnken response surface methodology was adopted to create a...
Some Physical Properties of Roller Compacted Concretes Used in Road Pavement Applications
Some physical test results available in the literature on Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) were evaluated. Most of the physical properties of RCCs such as drying shrinkage, frost resistance, abrasion, and fatigue are similar to those of conventional concrete with the same water-cement ratio. Since RCC is a zero slump concrete...
Introduction of a Laboratory-Based Mix Design Method for Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in El Salvador
This paper presents a laboratory-based mix design method for roller compacted concrete pavements for optimizing their cost-performance. It consists in introducing a new design procedure based on laboratory tests for aggregates, sand/gravel ratio, cement/water ratio, cement content, and resistance of the specimens to compression and flexion, in order to establish...
Prefabricated Concrete in the Service of Urban Development
The needs of road managers cover a number of sometimes conflicting aspects, which have to be reconciled. These relate to the durability of the works, their flexibility of use and reuse, their ease of maintenance and of course their long term cost. They also relate to the safety of the...
Influence of Moisture on the Deformation (Warping and Curling) of Concrete Road Pavements Consisting of One or Two Layers with and without Recycled Aggregate
Depending on the environmental conditions during casting and hardening, actual temperature and moisture gradients in concrete pavement induce strains. These strains lead to deflections of the slabs or, when restrained, to stresses and in some cases, mainly in combination with traffic loads, to cracks. Concrete with recycled concrete aggregate (RC-Concrete)...