
Development of Performance Curves for Thin Bonded Concrete Overlays on Asphalt in Minnesota24

Highways Members Only

Bonded concrete overlays on asphalt (BCOA), historically known as whitetoppings, are growing in popularity as an option for rehabilitating distressed asphalt pavements. Despite their application over the past several decades, the existence of performance models for this type of pavement are rare. It was the objective of this study to...

Construction of the M4 Widening, WestConnex Stage 1A

Highways Members Only

The M4 Widening project comprised the first stage in the delivery of WestConnex. It involved the widening and upgrading of approximately 7.5 kilometres of the M4 Motorway (M4) between Pitt Street, Parramatta and Homebush Bay Drive, Homebush. The project was opened to traffic in July 2017, in line with the...

Funder Decision-Making and Review of Pavement Types for Major Projects

Highways Members Only

Keynote presentation by Transport for NSW's Director of Strategic Investments covering; Sources of road funding 2019-20 budget funding for infrastructure Current significant transport projects Funder decision making framework Value for money assessment and economics Hypothetical motorway upgrade – asphalt vs concrete The life cycle cost conundrum

Northern Connector – The paving journey for the first concrete pavement in Adelaide

Highways Members Only

During the Northern Connector tender, concrete pavements was discussed early as an option. Our concrete pavement solution became Lendlease’s primary submission with flexible pavement as an alternative as it provided increased local content and introduced new skills for the region. Following contract award, immediate planning for detailed jointing design, raw...

Northern Connector, South Australia’s Political Journey

Highways Members Only

The concrete paving of the North-South Corridor, Norther Connector in South Australia was as much a political challenge as it was a logistical and technical one. George Panagopoulos, DPTI Project Manager, outlines the unique political journey to achieving the Project's successful inception and completion.

Detailed Concrete Pavement Base Thickness Design is a Non-event

Highways Members Only

Road Authorities commonly require detailed 40 year design traffic loading (DTL) estimates and concrete pavement thickness design calculations. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention and to demonstrate that detailed concrete pavement design in accordance with the Austroads Pavement Design Guide and RMS Supplement can be a time...

Recent Advances and Uses of Roller Compacted Concrete for Pavement Construction in the United States

Airports, Highways, Industrial, Intermodals/Ports, Trackslabs Members Only

Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is a no slump concrete that is placed by an asphalt paver and compacted with vibratory rollers similar to asphalt pavement construction. RCC has long history of good performance as a pavement for ports, container yards, and manufacturing plants. This paper will summarize a recent survey...

Construction – The Devil’s in the Detailed Design

Highways Members Only

Rigid pavement RFIs (request for information) and NCRs (nonconformance report) are an ongoing battle between contractors and designers. This is the frontline of construction phase services (CPS) and when not managed correctly, can lead to tension between contractors and designers, which can lead to breakdown of communications and affect construction...

Overview of light rail track slab design

Trackslabs Members Only

Recently Aurecon have developed the design on several urban light rail projects, with a notable example being that recently opened in Newcastle. With several projects currently in development and tender phases, and the likelihood of further stages of light rail expansion, it is important to understand the options available for...

Key Performance Requirements for Long Lasting Airport Concrete Pavements

Airports Members Only

This presentation by GOMACO takes wide ranging review of construction and whole-of-life review of the performance of airfield pavements, including: Actual Airport Facts and Trends Airport Design Advantages Various Adopted Paving Methodologies and Technical Features Key Performance Requirements for Long-Lasting Airport Concrete Pavements GOMACO’s Worldwide Airport References Conclusions

Concrete Highway Pavement Load Capacity for Possible Future Increases in Permissible Axle Loads

Highways Members Only

From time to time there is discussion within Government and industry about measures to improve freight transport efficiency. These discussions often include increasing permissible axle loads. If this was to happen it may also be limited to major road transport corridors. This paper neither supports nor sets out a case...

Intricacies Surrounding the Machine Placement of Concrete Pavements in Tunnels: Current state of Practice.

Highways Members Only

Transport tunnels built in Australia within the past 25 years have typically been designed and constructed consecutively. However, in recent years Australia (and Sydney in particular) is witnessing these projects being delivered concurrently, which are in turn diluting the skills pool across all facets of the industry. Sydney is currently...