Researchers and Technicians have ascertained that the use of ppropriate substitution materials in cement stabilizations and nixtures during the construction of road-base, sub-base and oundation layers allows to simultaneously fulfill technical-tructural, economical and environmental-ecological require-nents,~s an alternative by-product, Urban Solid Waste Ashes and:lags have been tested in a laboratory in...
Modern Construction of Concrete Pavements For Expressways in Spain
In this paper, basic characteristics of concrete pavements constructed in Spain during the last years, corresponding to the General Highway Plan 1984-1991, are described. The main solutions adopted to get a concrete pavement with high strength and appropriate texture are an~)ed. The solutions used in the construction in cold weather...
Novel Developments in the Quality Assurance of Road Construction Projects
Quality assurance (QA) in its traditional meaning is based on very detailed, in general prescriptive design and construction standards, on standardi-zed conformity criteria for all construction mate-rials and on generally accepted rules for good cons-truction practice. This basis allowed to limit QAon control tests and acceptance decisions for in-termediate or...
A Contractors View of Concrete Pavements in the Expanding Uk Market Place with Particular Reference to Continuously Reinforced Concrete Road Base
The paper reviews the reasons for continuously reinforced pavement design, and the economics of the choice of paving method. The current UK specification, its limitations and the potential va-riance with European and American specificationsare considered with its effect on the historic UKmarket, together with an opinion of the futuremarket.For the...
Lean Concrete Hard Shoulders Alongside Continuous Reinforced Concrete Overlays
Today, the great majority of Emergency Hard shoulders on Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement Motorways of the French network are build with full thickness lean concrete. The principle of this process (background, drainage, laying, seals, surface treatment, concrete formulas) are described below.
Correlation Between Research and Construction of Concrete Roads
During the past two decades, the practice-oriented research work done when concrete roads are built has lead to further development of slab construc-tion, to new solutions to individual constructio-nal problems, and to development of new cons-tructional methods. Based on existing research re-sults, more reliable statements can be made on thedegree...
Highway Liquid Sealants a South African Perspective
This paper presents aspects of liquid sealant installation and behaviour in joints in concrete roads under South African con-ditions. It covers joint preparation, installations techniques,quality control and field testing. A description of the generictypes of liquid sealants is given as well as behaviour charac-teristics obtained from laboratory tests which included:...
Concrete Continuously Reinforced with Flat_ Slotted_ Galvanised Steel Strips. Experience of FLEXARM Reinforcements. French Road Network 1986-1989
The dream of concrete pavement constructors, to replace the conventional difficult-to-fix reinforce-ments, which require a considerable manual work-force, with a continuous bobbin-wound reinforce-ment, has today become a reality. The chosensolution was a weldable carbon steel, with an elas-ticlimitgreater than 700MPA, a rectangular cross-section 40 mm x 2 mm, slotted for...
Setting New Standards in the Construction of Flight Operation Areas in MUC 2
The construction of the International Airport MUC 2 and especiallyof the flight operation areas in -for road designers- gigantic dimensions and short time-limit was a unique chance for the ex-perts to search for and find newstandards for tech-nique, economy and quality by an innovative fur-ther development of proven equipment and...
A Contribution to the Study of Joints on Concrete Pavements
vlaterials used as joint sealants on concrete pavements are zenerally classified in: - Preformed sealants. - Field molded sealants. l'his work shows the demanded characteristics for preformed .ealants and field molded sealants. The last ones are divided in :wo types: thermosetting -two component systems- coldap-rlied, and thermoplastics --one component- bot...
Concrete Paving in the UK One Contractors Experience and Approach Since 1983
dfred McAlpine Construction Ltd have constructed 20 kilometres of concrete carriageway using slipform pavers; 00 kilometres of which have been completed since 1983. This aper sets out the philosophy and experience of this firm with egard to the construction since 1983. It highlights the decision laking processes undergone at tender...
The Influence of Dowel Deviation on Concrete Paving Slabs
A series of tests have been carried out to figure out the in-fluence of deviation of the dowels on concrete paving slabdowels with respect to slab movements through shrinking andthermal variations.The stresses produced in the slabs for various deviations withrespect to the theoretical position and according to the systemchosen to...