The layout commonly used at major motorway sites in the United Kingdom is the full contra-flow, which carries two traffic lanes in each direction on one carriageway, releasing the other carriageway for reconstruction. To improve operational efficiency, two adaptations of this layout, which operate with a reversible (or tidal) lane,...
Continously Reinforced Concrete Overlay on Highway E 40 Near Liege Belgium
During the last years, many CRCP overlays have been made in Belgium. One of them has been laid in 1988 on highway E 40 in the province of Liège (8,250 km). The paper gives the reasons of the choice of CRCP for the renewal of the highway and describes the...
Problems of the Reconstruction of Motorways in the Gdr
The 1860 kilometre GDR motorway network was mainly built in concrete slab construction before 1945. Its overall reconstruction is vital. In the course of reconstruction work a number of different paving variants were put into practice. The covering of unbound and nearly impermeable bases needed the drainage of the intermediate...
Thin Continuously Reinforced Concrete and Steel Fffire Reinforced Concrete Overlays – Performance Affer Three to Eight Years
Since 1982 experimental sections of thin overlays have been constructed for an amount of 171.000 m'. Eight of these sections are made of 10 to 12 cm thick steel fibre reinforced concrete, six of them on a bituminous underlayer and two on old concrete pavement. Four other sections should verify...
Performance of Crack & Seat and Saw & Seal Overlays
Maintenance problems in asphalt concrete overlays over portland cement concrete pavements may result from reflection cracking at the location of working joints and cracks in the underlying slab. Two methods of reflection crack control which have been used by many agencies in the United States within the past ten years...
Cement Concrete Pavement on Granular Base Course of Graduated Concrete-Recycling-Ma Terlal
The hitherto used standard building method using hydraulic bound regulating and base course has been criticised for frequently faiîing. If existing concrete pavements are rehabilitated, the old road structures have to be involved into the new wearing system, so that the required bearing capacity E, ~ 50 Nz'mnr' may be...
The Reconstruction of a Special Lane in Continuously Reinforced Concrete For Slow Vehicles on the A6 Along the Mountain Pass of Bessey En Chaume
Two different pavement structures as part of one and the same transverse profile, or a specific treatment for a slow lane extremely liable to rutting.
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Overlay Worksites. Planning on Motorways in Service. High Output Production Equipment
Since 1983, most of the work sites in France using Continuously Reinforced Concrete have been for overlaying work on existing motorways in service. As regards methods and equipment, this has necessitated high output production facilities to allow work to be complete as quickly as possible so as to minimize inconvenience...
Rapid Reconstruction of Concrete Slabs on Airfield Runways
The rapid reconstruction of concrete slabs on airfield runways is a technology presented to airports operation authorities in order to strictly shorten the reparation period when the runway is unpracticable. The French airports and airbases engineering services proceeded with two demonstration works on the BORDEAUX and NlMES airports. The reconstruction...
Practical Rehabilitation Options For an Aar Affected Jointed Concrete Pavement
As a result of fine cracks that initiated in the vicinity of the joints of an unreinforced jointed concrete pavement, structural failures rapidly developed under traffic. Structural failures manifested as punch outs where severe pumping at wider cracks occured and it was clear that only reconstruction or overlaying could be...
Rapid Rehabilitation Techniques with Cement Concrete_ Applied on Deformed Asphaltic Roads
On asphaltic roads the so called «wash-boardeffect » in front of traffic lights is a well known phenomenon. Regular reconstruction of these areas places a significant and recurrent burden on road managing authorities. Because of the large volumen of traffic at these intersections repair works also lead to a huge...
Pavement Rehabilitation. Tools That Work
A nation's highway system is an investment used to transport manufactured goods and farm products. The challenge in maintaining this transportation system has been devising a cost-effective rehabilitation method as an alternate to the «bandaid » cover up. This paper describes the six steps of concrete pavement restoration plus two...