
Dynamic Deflection Measurement on Rigid Payements Using the Falling Weight Deflectometer


Deflection caused by a load is an important measure for the bearing capacity of rigid pavements, too. For this reason the deflection on a variety of sections with different constructions has been measured in the Federal Republic of Germany. For these measurements the «Falling Weight Deflectometen> was used, developed by...

Concrete Structures Made of One Piece Lean Concrete Slabs French Experiments and Pavement Design – Future Developments


France has an extended experience in hydraulic binder treated materials: in semi-rigid structures, in cement concrete thick slabs, in lean concrete for concrete pavement subbase layers. It has permit-ted to establish a new and very competitive struc-ture: the lean concrete thick slab on a drainingcourse with or without tranverse joints.A...

Concrete Continuously Reinforced with Flat_ Slotted_ Galvanised Steel Strips. Experience of FLEXARM Reinforcements. French Road Network 1986-1989


The dream of concrete pavement constructors, to replace the conventional difficult-to-fix reinforce-ments, which require a considerable manual work-force, with a continuous bobbin-wound reinforce-ment, has today become a reality. The chosensolution was a weldable carbon steel, with an elas-ticlimitgreater than 700MPA, a rectangular cross-section 40 mm x 2 mm, slotted for...

Developments in Noise Redution of Concrete Roads in the Netherlands


In the Netherlands experiments have been performed recently :onceming noise reduction on concrete roads. Three pos-.ibilities are being investigated:I. Top layer of no-fines porous concrete.~. Surface of washed dense concrete.. Dense concrete with fine-grained epoxy surface treatment. noise emission level slightly higher than on porous asphalt,iut much less than on...

Long Term Performance and Economic Aspects of Concrete Roads in Austria


Austria has more than 30 years' experience in concrete road construction. Half of the approximately 650 km of motorways with a concrete pavement are more than 20 years old. 40/0have already been reconstructed, some 14% will have to be reconstructed within the next 5 to 10 years. The remainder is...

The Effect of Heavy Loads on the Stress Distribution at the Surface of a Crc Pavement


A continuosly reinforced concrete pavement has been laid in 1984 within the steel mill Sidmar near the city of Ghent in Belgium. This paper deals with the tests performed in 1987 on the pavement and the analysis of the results. A French device, called "Ovalimètre", made it possible to measure...

Correlation Between Research and Construction of Concrete Roads


During the past two decades, the practice-oriented research work done when concrete roads are built has lead to further development of slab construc-tion, to new solutions to individual constructio-nal problems, and to development of new cons-tructional methods. Based on existing research re-sults, more reliable statements can be made on thedegree...

High Strength Concrete For Highway Pavements Ano Bridge Decks


An accelerated road-wear simulator employed by Norcem for experimental testing of abrasion resistance of highway concrete pavements subjected to heavy traffic by studded tyres was set up at Slemmestad, Norway in 1985. By increasing concrete strength from 50 up to 120 MPa, the abrasion was reduced by roughly 60-70 %....

Data Base and Pavement Condition Surveys of Concrete Roads in the Shrp Long-Term Pavement Performance Study


The Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) research program, a component of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), was launched in 1987 as a $50 million effort to collect field observations of both in-service and new, specially constructed test sections throughout North America. This paper deals primarily with the pavement distress evaluation...

The Design of Concrete Pavements and Overlays


This paper describes a method developed by the Belgian Road Research Centre for the design of cement concrete pavements and overlays. The object of this method is to avoid fatigue cracking of the surfacing (or overlay) and excessive permanent deformation of the subgrade soil. It results from the application of...

Aspects of Mechanistic Analysis of Lightly Cementitious Pavement Materials


Inthispaper compressionfailureasa resultof traffic loading in lightly cementitious pavement ma-terials is discussed. The investigation was donewith the aid of mechanistic analysis, and includesboth surface and depth deflection measurementson an actual pavement from which linear elasticmoduli values were backcaIculated. This wasdone to evaluate the «actual» stresses between therelatively thin surfacing and...

Current Trends and Criteria For the Selection of Materials For Concrete Pavements


The object of this articleisto evaluate the influence of materials used in the construction of rigid pavements, and of the method of placing the con-crete on the final pavement quality.Using the results of laboratory tests and experi-ments taken from the available literature, the ut-most attention must be paid to the...