
Long-Time Observations of Contracfion Joint Opening in Concrete Pavements Measurement and Evaluation


Long-time measurements of contraction joint opening were performed during a 25-year period for several pavement systems [concrete full depth construction, concrete pavement on a temperature insulated, cement treated (CTS) and bituminous subbase]. The data obtained were analyzed and the mean opening of the joints, the standard deviation, the coefficient of...

The Design and Maintenance of Contraction Joints Behaviour of the Namur Test Road After 10 Years of Traffic


This article describes the behaviour after 10 years of service of the test sections constructed in 1979 on State road N 4 in the Belgian province of Namur, The object of this experiment, is to compare various types of contraction joint on the same site and under the same conditions...

Ways of Reducing Tire-Noise on Concrete Pavements Experience and Tests in Austria


Tire-road noise can be reduced considerably by providing a suitable surface geometry. According to the new Austrian specifications pa-vers must be fitted with a longitudinal smootherto eliminate any transverse waves produced by thebeams of the paver. In order to obtain a noise-reducing surface a longitudinal texture (e.g.. a burlap drag)...

Design Charts For Small Element Precast Concrete Slab Pavements Using a Combined Finite Element Westergaard Approach


Small element precast concrete slab pavements through their use in urban areas where vehicular over-run is predominant have suffered severe failures which incurred a substantial public expenditure for their maintenance in the UK. This has created a need for the development of a rational design method that would lead to...

The Use of 130 MPa Concrete in the Rehabilitation of an Old Pavement


lIn Norway, most every car is equipped with tires having small steel studs to improve the friction between the tire and road during the winter season. These studded tires have an enormous wearing effect on ordinary asphalt pavement.

Design Practice of Concrete Pavements in China


A brief review of China's practice on structural design of concrete pavements is presented. The designmethodology adopted controls the combined fatigue damage due to repeated traffic loading and fluctuating temperature gradient, and solves the loading and thermal warping stresses by using the finite element method, based on a mechanistic mo-del...

Materials Used in the Experimental Field in La Guardia Toledo For Marking Roads in Concrete Pavements


lith the aim to verify the suitability of the different materials sed in marking roads for concrete pavements, more than 30 ommercial products were tested on the experimental field. Iaterials were of different nature: based on alkyd resins, vinyl .sins, alkyd-chlorinated rubber, chlorinated rubber, acrylic sins, etc. efore the application,...

The Design of Concrete Block Pavements For Urban Roads


This design method for concrete block road pavements applies to block pavements (under normal road traffic), consisting of rectangular paving blocks (thickness ~ 80 mm) in herringbone bond, 50 mm crushed sand bedding layer, eventually an unbound base, and a sand sub-base. The design criterion for such pavements is rutting....

Cement Concrete Pavement on Granular Base Course of Graduated Concrete-Recycling-Ma Terlal


The hitherto used standard building method using hydraulic bound regulating and base course has been criticised for frequently faiîing. If existing concrete pavements are rehabilitated, the old road structures have to be involved into the new wearing system, so that the required bearing capacity E, ~ 50 Nz'mnr' may be...

5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany


Closing ceremony from 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany


Indexes, General Reports and Additional Contributions from 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany

5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany


Index of Papers and Opening from Addresses from the 5th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 1986 Aachen Germany