
Light-Traffic Roads in France Towards New Practices


Decentralization has brought about significantly renewed interest in France in investments for regional and local roads, their rehabilitation and maintenance. Many methodological tools have been developed in the past 10 years to prepare and accompany these trends in areas in which cement concrete had played a sinall relative part in...

A New Design Method For Control of Cracking in Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement


Reinforcement stress and crack width has been in-vestigated in full scale experimental pavement ofContinuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement forthree years. The validity of designequation for pre-dicting crack width distributed through the thick-ness of the slab and reinforcement stress etc.,which is based on bond stress -slip relationshipconsidering the effect of both concrete...

A Contribution to the Study of Joints on Concrete Pavements


vlaterials used as joint sealants on concrete pavements are zenerally classified in: - Preformed sealants. - Field molded sealants. l'his work shows the demanded characteristics for preformed .ealants and field molded sealants. The last ones are divided in :wo types: thermosetting -two component systems- coldap-rlied, and thermoplastics --one component- bot...

Road Surfaces Roughness by Shotblasting


According to the findings made on French road network about .helow skidding resistance, GAILLEDRAT Pére & Fils com-rany developed a new surface treatment concept: THE SUR-:;'ACESHOTBLASTING.l'his technique which allows to treat most of the slippery road.urface problems on asphalt or concrete pavements. permits toncrease the surface roughness "as requested" and...

The Potential of Thinner Concrete Pavements: Evidence from Accelerated Testing


Overseas thin concrete slabs have been used successfully and have been shown to be economic. To evaluate the suitability of this type of construction under South African conditions, four experimental sections were constructed to evaluate the interaction of slab thickness and subbase thickness and quality. The sections were trafficked with...

New Concrete Pavement Structures in the Revision of the French Catalogue of New Pavements and in the Technical Guide of Overlays


The documents for conception and design of new and reinforcement works on the French national road network were updated in 1988to take into account new pavement designs and techniques: dowelled slabs, continuously reinforced concrete, thick slabs on porous course, cement processed materials subbases. The article explains: - the development of...

Setting New Standards in the Construction of Flight Operation Areas in MUC 2


The construction of the International Airport MUC 2 and especiallyof the flight operation areas in -for road designers- gigantic dimensions and short time-limit was a unique chance for the ex-perts to search for and find newstandards for tech-nique, economy and quality by an innovative fur-ther development of proven equipment and...

Porous Urban Pavements in Cement Concrete


Questions regarding the environment are being particularly felt in certain countries, and noise con-trol requirements have led to the development ofthin free draining materials able to limit tirepavement contact noise.We shallbe dealingherenotwith a thin free draining pavement structure, butwith a porous concrete pavement of 40 cm thick-ness. Theoretical studies have...

Dynamic Deflection Measurement on Rigid Payements Using the Falling Weight Deflectometer


Deflection caused by a load is an important measure for the bearing capacity of rigid pavements, too. For this reason the deflection on a variety of sections with different constructions has been measured in the Federal Republic of Germany. For these measurements the «Falling Weight Deflectometen> was used, developed by...

Concrete Structures Made of One Piece Lean Concrete Slabs French Experiments and Pavement Design – Future Developments


France has an extended experience in hydraulic binder treated materials: in semi-rigid structures, in cement concrete thick slabs, in lean concrete for concrete pavement subbase layers. It has permit-ted to establish a new and very competitive struc-ture: the lean concrete thick slab on a drainingcourse with or without tranverse joints.A...

Concrete Continuously Reinforced with Flat_ Slotted_ Galvanised Steel Strips. Experience of FLEXARM Reinforcements. French Road Network 1986-1989


The dream of concrete pavement constructors, to replace the conventional difficult-to-fix reinforce-ments, which require a considerable manual work-force, with a continuous bobbin-wound reinforce-ment, has today become a reality. The chosensolution was a weldable carbon steel, with an elas-ticlimitgreater than 700MPA, a rectangular cross-section 40 mm x 2 mm, slotted for...

Developments in Noise Redution of Concrete Roads in the Netherlands


In the Netherlands experiments have been performed recently :onceming noise reduction on concrete roads. Three pos-.ibilities are being investigated:I. Top layer of no-fines porous concrete.~. Surface of washed dense concrete.. Dense concrete with fine-grained epoxy surface treatment. noise emission level slightly higher than on porous asphalt,iut much less than on...