A new means for rehabilitation of severely cracked concrete slabs is a thin overlay of SIFCON (Slurry Infiltrated Fibre Concrete). This high strength concrete with an extremely high content of conventional steel fibres (about 10 % of volume) was invented in the USA and further developed by the central laboratory...
Reconstruction and Recycling of Concrete Pavements
After 30 to 35 years heavy traffic loading concrete motorways have to be reconstructed. In Germany, the old concrete pavement was ]ft in its place and overlaid with a new pavement. This reconstruction method may be really economical under definite circumstances but is hardly practicable for the contemporary reconstructions, especially...
Multifunction Concrete Roadways Potericitls in Urban Areas
Combating noise, disturbances and safety hazards on transport infrastructures is one of the leading preoccupations indicated by 85 % of city dwellers in industrialised countries. The road concrete industry has fully realised this real challenge for durable building and maintenance of concrete roads capable of controlling disturbances caused by urban...
Computation of Self-Locking Concrete Block Pavements with Finite Element Analysis
The examined computation procedure for self-locking concrete block pavements is based on the ordinary methods adopted for the computation of flexible and semi-rigid pavements. These methods consider a stress and silaiti distiibutiou uiidei design loads. The analysis considers both the classic, elastic multilayer model, and an axisymmetric, finite element model...
The French Architectonic Concrete Paving Development
This paper present the good possibilities that we can expect with exposed aggregate concrete surfaces
Stresses Analysis of Cemented Bases on Concrete Pavement
Traditional methods for road concrete pavements design do not take into account the structural contribuition of cemented bases and its fatigue consumption uiidei the traffic loads. Sections designed without major care about the structural reponses of those bases can develop early cracks, decreasing the structural capacity of the pavement. This...
Combined Mechanical and Thermal Loading on Plain and Steel Fibrez Reinforced Concrete Pavements
Plaiti aiid steel fibre reinforced concrete beams are subjected to solely thermal; solely mechanical and combined thermal and mechanical loads while the rotation of the beam-ends are prevented. The variables in the tests are type of load and combination of loads. In order to estimate the degree of restraint, some...
Recycling with Cement on the Motorway Salzburg-Vienna
A recycling concept has been used since 1991 for reconstructing 120 km of carriageway on the concrete motorway Salzburg - Vienna: The old concrete is crushed and the coarse material used as the aggregate for the new concrete pavement. The fine fraction is added to the old granular subbase thus...
The Influence of Composition and Compactation on the Properties of Roller-Compacted Concrete
At the Research, Development and Consulting Department of the Heidelberger Zement AG, a research project has been carried out on the influence of the composition and compaction on the properties of roller-compacted concrete. At a low compaction rate of only 96% of the modified proctor density, roller compacted concrete containing...
Pharmaceutical Waste
Studies are being carried out on the influence of pharmaceutical waste at the Ukrainian University of Transportation, a especially the liquid waste on the physicomechanical 3roperties of cement concrete
Why Should Bituminous Layers Be Used Over Portland Cement Bridge Decks
The purpose of this paper is to bring to the attention of the highway community in Portugal, a methodology that allows the construction of bridge decks with Portland Cement surfaces without the need to use bituminous surface layers. This paper will present construction methods, cost benefit analysis, some of the...
Effects of Loss of Support on the Residual Life of JPCCP
One of the most frequent ajid insidious distresses in Jointed Portland Cement Concrete Pavements (JPCCP) is the loss of pavement support near the joint. This problem is principally caused by a lack of maintenance ofjoint sealing that can give rise to the well-known phenomenon called pumping in the presence of...