In Mexico, since november of 1993 to september of 2002, a total of 3046 km of concrete pavement lanes are either in operation or construction, where 74% of them are built as new structure and the rest, 26 % has been used as reinforcement placed on an existing aphalt pavement....
The Concrete Pavements in the Mexican Highways
Guidelines For Concrete Roundabouts the Dutch Practice
Continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) structures are becoming more popular for roundabouts due to the durable and sustainable character of this pavement type. This led to a need for practical guidelines, recommendations and standardisation with respect to design, details and the preparation of tender documents. The paper summarises a recent...
Flexural Stress Analysis of Rigid Pavements Using Nisa
Design of pavements involves a study of paving materials their behavior under loads, climatic conditions & the under lying sub grade reaction. For the present study an attempt has been made to propose an alternative method of design of rigid pavements using NISA package. 2-D plane strain and axisymmetric solid...
The Application of the Selected Cements in Building Concrete Pavements of the Rural Roads in Poland
For the present Polish Catalogue of Typical Concrete Pavements is published. This document allows to apply cements CEM II and CEM III besides CEM I in road constructions. In order to verification of usefulness these cements, the experiment concrete pavement with CEM II and CEM III and for comparison CEM...
Effects of Slags Produced in Turkey on Chloride Penetration of Concrete
In this study, effects of slags widely used as mineral admixture in concrete industry on chloride penetration of concrete were investigated. Three different slags were used as replacement of cement (PC42.5) by weight of 25%, 50%, 75%. Setting test , determination of specific gravity, determination of specific surface were carried...
Utilization of Pavement Quality Porous Concrete and Its Performance
The recently developed porous concrete techniques have been tried to apply to not only full-depth concrete pavements for new roads, but also thin bonded concrete overlay for rehabilitation works in Japan. This paper shows their performances as well as their designs and constructions.
Application of Ultra-Thin Whitetopping (UTW) on Bituminous Pavements in Factory Areas. An Italian Experience
The paper describes an application of ultra-thin white-topping on a bituminous factory pavement. Different road cement concrete mixes were studied: high-strength concrete, concrete with PP fibres added, concrete modified with latex, concrete made by tyre-rubber grains instead of natural aggregate and steel fibre reinforced concrete. The binder was CEM II/A-L...
Analysis of Cracking Mechanisms in Concrete Pavements and Related Recommendations For Pavement Construction
In addition to the stresses caused by traffic loads concrete highway pavements may be subjected to considerable stresses due to environmental action effects and other related damaging mechanisms such as early age shrinkage, loss or absorption of moisture, temperature induced strain gradients and in some instances also alkali-silicareactions. Due to...
Possibility of Using Concrete Roads in Turkey
Axle loads are increasing all over the world including Turkey. Asphalt pavements are not able to carry this heavy traffic safely and economically. Using asphalt pavement for heavy traffic cause early deterioration of the pavement and higher cost of pavement maintenance. As an alternative, concrete pavements may be used instead...
The Pavers System a Knowledge Sharing Concept in the Design and Assessment of Road, Airfield and Industrial Pavement
Rigid pavement thickness design is either still based on the classical Westergaard solutions or is based on a more comprehensive finite element rigid pavement model to resolve the shortcomings of the layered elastic Burmister model. The latter gives a principally better representation of the slab edges and joints. However, because...
Reasons for Cracking of the Cement Concrete Pavements from Strong and Frost-Resistant Concrete
World practice (USA, Germany) has already noted the cases of continuous cracking of the surface layers of cement concrete pavements. Continuous cracking becomes evident several years later after completing construction and results, as a rule, in deterioration of the performance characteristics of the pavements. The paper shows the results of...
The Effect of Moist Curing on the Properties of Concretes Made by Pozzolanic Cements
The strength development and permeability properties of two concretes prepared with natural pozzolanic cements, Trass Cement (TC) and Blended Cement (BC), were investigated and compared with those of an Ordinary Portland Cement (PC) concrete under varying water-curing periods. The mix design of concretes was made with an equal strength base...