
Alkali-Silica Reaction Prevention by Lithium Salts


After the exploration of damages caused by alkali-silica reaction (ASR) on highway bridges in Turkey recently, the usage of reactive aggregate on highway construction was prohibited. However, this does not seem to be the proper solution, because natural aggregate leads to an increase in workability of concrete due to its...

Twin-Layer Continuously Reinforced Concrete Surfacing at Estaimpuis on the N511


Durability, the absence of deformations and a low level of maintenance when the road structure has been correctly designed and implemented are the features which are generally unanimously approved as regards the qualities of cement concrete surfacing. In contrast, comfort and driving noise are the characteristics which lead to the...

Concrete Pavements on Bridges


Pavements on bridges are a very problematic element for each road administration. Classic European solution, concrete bridge deck with waterproofing membrane and pavement with asphalt wearing course, makes a lot of problems with maintenance, road closures etc. The paper presents results of research in the field of concrete pavements on...

Joint-Design on Concrete Motorways in Austria


A recently finished study at the Research Institute of the Association of the Austrian Cement Industry and the Institute for Road Construction and Maintenance, Technical University Vienna focuses on the improvement of the joint design on concrete roads. The main issues of this study are presented in this paper. Special...

New Tool For Design of Concrete Pavements


New structural design software is presented that deals with flexible, composite and rigid structures. The pavement design is based on a trial-and-error process involving the use of the linear elastic multilayer model for flexible and composite pavements (Burmister's theory) and the strength of materials (Pasternak’s theory) for the rigid ones.

The PIARC Guideline on in Situ Recycling of Pavements with Cement


Recycling techniques to take profit of materials from existing pavements are being increasingly used, due to different technical, economical and ecological reasons. Therefore, the Technical Committee C7/8 on Pavements of PIARC (World Road Association) has prepared three guidelines dealing respectively with hot recycling in plant of bituminous mixt ures cold...

Factors Affecting the Formation of Air Voids in Road Concrete


A greatly increased air void content in the hardened concrete has been found in recent years in some contract sections of concrete pavement. Investigations were carried out at the Research Institute of the Cement Industry on road concretes in order to determine the reason for this excessively high content. The...

Prefabricated Concrete in the Service of Urban Development


The needs of road managers cover a number of sometimes conflicting aspects, which have to be reconciled. These relate to the durability of the works, their flexibility of use and reuse, their ease of maintenance and of course their long term cost. They also relate to the safety of the...

High Performance Concrete Effects of Curing Conditions


The use of high performance concrete (HPC) is becoming more popular in the United States. Many State Departments of Transportation are replacing conventional concrete especially with HPC bridge decks. Despite the growing popularity of the material, little is known on the effect of the available curing methods on the mechanical...

Fatigue Test and Mechanical Study of Adhesion Between Concrete and Asphalt


For the last ten years, new composite pavement structures have raised a significant interest. Based on the association of a concrete layer bonded to an asphalt sub-base, they lead to a reduction of the layers thickness and cost. A long-lasting bond is essential. This paper focuses on the mechanical study...

Crack Initiation and Propagation in the Continuously Reinforced Pavement of the Zuidtangent


In the period 1996 — 2001 the ”Zuidtangent" was designed and constructed. The "Zuidtangent" is situated between Haarlem and Amstelveen, just south of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). The "Zuidtangent" is designed as a special purpose road connection for public transport and plays a major role in the accessibility of the Schiphol...

Economic Comparison Between Concrete and Conventional Road Pavements in France


A comparison of "capital plus maintenance" costs has been made in France using the following methodology: - firstly, a comparison of sections of concrete pavement with conventionally constructed ones of the same age on the same stretch of road, - secondly, a statistical analysis of the performance of the different...